You really are harboring sooooooooooo much anger and pain! If you aren't a believer in God, then by all means....Live it up! Your absolutes are dictated by the "VALIS GOD" Fine, good But for us God or how do you put it, dog believers, well we have some reservations about all this christmas stuff. Christmas and it's origins are VERY IMPORTANT to us God believers! The fact that it was a celebration to Honor Nimrod and not Jesus is very important! Once again, valis is missing the point of it all. These celebrations were created to degrade God and deceive mankind. If you don't believe in an all powerful creator then nothing more can be said. All of us low-life God ..oops, I mean dog believers beg for your forgiveness if we've offend you valis......
I suggest you deal with some of that HATRED you have for God or dogs or whatever it is that bitin' at that sub-conscious....