" We are the cause of our Destruction *(It's Quoted different in the bible) / I believe That 9/11 was a bad day, We cry & mourn & move on, We get over it, I got over 9/11 in under 24 hours & to be honest i'm sick of hearing about it.... Now I also understand that millions was not paying attention before 9/11 & they still aint paying attention.. If people would wake the hell up and read the bible they would already know that God already warn us to listen to him, and be on guard 24/7 cause that devil which we call satan exist and on the move to overthrow billions........ Where is your faith? JESUS Clearly said that not to sorrow for the dead, cause they will get resurrected when the messiah comes back- John 5 verse 28,29.. So Get over it and Heed JESUS words....
Short truth about 9/11, Truth hurts you know!
by Legendary U.2.K. 41 Replies latest jw friends
Everyone grieves differently. To say "get over it" is pretty callous. If you are over it, fine for you, but please don't invalidate the grief others are still feeling...
Legendary U.2.K.
Sorry Jesus said the dead when come back, but paul said not to sorrow..Anyway the best advice i can give: " Never Remember the bad times of Tribulation, only Look towards the future where God, And The Messiah has promise mankind better times "...... Also like i mention before we cause i own destruction, If WE DO NOT LISTEN TO the creator who hath made us, then surely i tell you now We will lose his protection and john chapter 9 verse 31 backs up my legendary statement...... So please, Follow the lawz, new lawz, commandments, and obey God the father and the prophet messiah and heed Luke 21 verse 36..... y'all think 9/11 was bad, HA, wait till armageddon comes... Wake up yall, we have to follow rules! and btw stop hatin on bin laden, and put your angry towards satan...
Party and dancing on Legendary U.2.K.'s grave!
You'll let us know the date, right Legendary?
Didn't Jesus weep at the gravesite of his friend Lazarus?
Legendary U.2.K.
That's the problem now man, i mean trust me i'm not trying to disrespect, but yes some people do grieve different but if people would heed christ words, and God words, and pay attention then the sorrow will decrease and joyful times will increase......
y'all think 9/11 was bad, HA, wait till armageddon comes... Wake up yall, we have to follow rules! and btw stop hatin on bin laden, and put your angry towards satan...
I presume you think that you are the kind of person who will survive this Armaggedon onslaught?
but if people would heed christ words, and God words, and pay attention then the sorrow will decrease and joyful times will increase......
Which God should we pay attention to? Bin Laden's God and his prophet Mohammed or your God and his son Jesus? Maybe the problem is placing to much hope in the afterlife, and forgetting to live in this life.
Legendary U.2.K.
BigBoi: I already mention that it's normal to cry and mourn, but you have to understand to get over it and sorrow not(paul i believe said that), and Understand that Those who died you will see again at the last day of the resurrection of the dead.... Trust me man i feel the pain from 9/11, from israel violence, i even cried the first time i read the part when christ was on the cross screaming....But i'm close to The bible, God, Christ and that's why i understand...... Billions are letting satan overthrow their faith!
Legendary U.2.K.
LoL, Well the Koran i read that, it's cool and i respect Islam more then people think, and i love muhammad.. But um i dont follow it cause they teach that everybody goes to heaven and um i dont wanna go to heaven, so that's why i read the bible and i love isaiah 65 verse 17, paradise earth man, fun times....... So you know, I figure everybody here read the bible, and i'm pretty sure the koran teach the same about staying close to GOD and your protection will increase...