Am I wrong for doing this?

by curiouschristy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • curiouschristy

    I have been outta the society for over 10 years, but I somehow feel like I'm doing something wrong

    when I come on this site... Why is that?? How could JW's and the WBTS have such a hold on people, it's unreal.

    This may seem unreal to U guys, I hope U just laugh, but sometimes when I come on here, it's like I read the posts, and I get this feeling that , which I'm sure alot of you have on this site, and others alike, that us EX JW's are just like the people in NOAH's time , when he was building the ARK, all of the people laughed at him, and such, told him he was crazy, I feel like we are all like those people, that we will just go down in the waters so to speak.

    Does anyone understand this, I hate I feel this way, why is this?

    Does anyone else have similiar feelings?


  • teenyuck

    Welcome Christy!

    You are not alone. (those words have been typed to death on this board!) We were all at that point in the past. I left 20 years ago.

    Keep reading and posting. Posting helps. Seems to get it out of your system.


  • Francois

    Don't feel the first, smallest particle of anything for the Society but:

    Anger at having been drug through it as a child.
    Disgust at having not left sooner.
    Impatience to see the entire fraudulent house of cards fall flat on its ass.

    Frank Tyrrell

  • Vivamus

    Hello Christy! again, welcome, we talked earlier in chat.

    No, you are certainly not alone in feeling that. we all had that feeling at some point. The WTS has a strong hold on peoples minds, what you are feeling is just an example of that.

    Just keep reading, and keep posting. I hope you enjoy your stay on board

    Hugs, Viv.

  • sunshineToo
    us EX JW's are just like the people in NOAH's time , when he was building the ARK, all of the people laughed at him, and such, told him he was crazy, I feel like we are all like those people, that we will just go down in the waters so to speak.

    Yes, only if the WTS is the God's org. But I have seen enough of them proving otherwise. You know what Jesus said - you'll see them by their fruits.

    Welcome, Christy! Everyone has a free will to choose what they want to think and do. I heard from a Mormon missionary that because of similar reason the jws are saying, some people become Mormon. So it's all up to individual interpretation.

    I don't think I want to be a Mormon, though.

  • caligirl

    How could JW's and the WBTS have such a hold on people, it's unreal.

    The power of guilt is incredible. We are taught to feel guilt and shame for anything that goes against what we were told to believe, and let's not forget the fear. That doesn't just disappear, even when we know that we made the right decision by leaving the whole mess behind. Mind control is a very powerful and effective weapon and it has been perfected by the witnesses. What better way to control people than with their own mind? It's the one thing that cannot be turned off, tuned out or ignored and it is always with us. The process and time needed for that recovery is different for everyone. Hang in there! You are not alone!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    that us EX JW's are just like the people in NOAH's time , when he was building the ARK, all of the people laughed at him, and such, told him he was crazy, I feel like we are all like those people, that we will just go down in the waters so to speak

    You have it backwards. YOU are IN the Ark...they're the ones drowning.

  • curiouschristy

    Thank you all so far that has responded to my post.

    I especialy like yours Frank, to the point.. SHort and Sweet!

    Viv, your very sweet, by the way, I got booted off chat today when I told U I was drying my hair, I had so much stuff to do, I just decided to stay off for a while, I know we'll chat soon ... hugs to u!!!


  • cruzanheart

    I said it before in another thread: we didn't leave the Ark, we escaped the Titanic. Curiouschristy, if the Christian congregation that was taught by the apostles who were in turn taught directly by Jesus could become corrupt, why not a group of people in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries? What makes the Society so special that it can't become corrupted? It is their very attitude of smug self-righteousness that condemns them. As long as they feel they are anointed by God they'll feel like they can't make mistakes and, therefore, will continue to make millions of them. Stay on this site - it is very healing and will make you laugh, cry and think. Remember that you were created a free will individual with the power to decide. Jehovah gave that to each one of us and he expects us to use that common sense - or BS detector, if you prefer - to decide what is right and what is wrong for us. Not for Joe Elder or Pammy Pioneer, for US. He will judge us on the basis of our heart condition, whether we are trying our best, not whether our butts are warming a seat in a windowless building with really ugly carpet and uncomfortable chairs and lousy lighting.

    Hang in there!


  • waiting

    Howdy - and a belated welcome to our forum.

    A loooong time ago, someone posted, guiltily, that he still felt the fear of Armageddon "right around the corner" when a natural disaster would strike. You know, those are "One of the Signs of The End".......and then he'd get a twitchin' in his neck.

    Sooooooooooooooo many of us wrote back to say "We know EXACTLY how you feel." In our minds and hearts, we KNOW we were suckered, bamboozeled, screwed, ......but that *tiny little voice* sits back there saying....."but what if they were riiiiiiiiight?"

    Lol - the more we read, think, establish logically that the WTBTS is a Con Artist - then we can find peace and acceptance. And the *tiny little voice* just goes more "but".


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