Taunt the Watchtower God here.

by refiners fire 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well, if we are going to taunt the WT org Monitors we might as well taunt the WT God as well.

    Hey Jesus! Youve been on the throne damn near a hundred years. When the hell are you going to DO something?! The evil forces were thrown out of heaven in the first 3 years of your reign,and the perfect Earthly organization to represent you was finalized 30 years ago with the "elders" arrangement. What more needs be done? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Your dad sent Isaiah and Jeremiah to prophecy to the Jews and their predictions manifested pretty quick, and you werent even KING of THE WORLD then! Whats the hold up now? Hey Christ. I think he shoulda put me in charge, I would have got thru examining all the human hearts much quicker than this. Put those books of the lists of the "investigative judgement" aside, switch off your human heart investigating microscope and GET ON WITH IT! If I didnt produce the organizational changes my boss wanted within 3 MONTHS...he would SACK my ASS! You mess around too much Jesus. Your a sweet guy I dont doubt, but people are hurting. Its WAY PAST time for action son!!

    Frankly, I think Id do a better job, a much better job!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    ahhhh.....never mind.

  • SYN

    Refiners, everything he's done is invisible. After all, he is ruling invisibly.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ruling Invisibly huh Jesus?

    All this manipulating and arranging of the ethers, shifting mens thinking processes, and sending love or hate energy waves into human hearts so they can flip flop around mentally trying to decide which side of the polarized "good/Evil" fence they are on, is all a bit airy fairy isnt it Lord?

    Besides, the theoretical hold up is that you are waiting, lovingly, for everyone to decide whether they want to serve Jah or not with their own free will. Well, that will never happen Jesus. Even a dummy like me can see that. The rate of population growth is increasing exponentially. There is a constant influx of new souls onto the planet who will have to make the great decision which side of the fence they are on. The point where everyone has "decided" will never be reached because theres always 60,000 little babies, every second of every day, who are too young to make a choice.

    I recommend that you pull some of those myriads of angels off "hair of a human head" counting duty, and off the "recording sparrows that fell out of a tree" monitoring squad, and get their asses onto the "book of human hearts examining" brigade! Christ!,

    Why in the name of holy hell does each of the Dubs need thirty thousand angels counting how many skin cells hes got every milli second of the day anyway?? Cant you employ your resources any better than that!?

    Pretty soon, Watchtower Jesus, youre going to be in the despairing position of the Adventist Jesus, 200 years in the inner room of the Heavenly sanctuary and the pile of "books of human hearts" to be "investigated" is now bigger than it was when you started! People are losing heart son!!

    Actually, its not entirely your fault Christ. I reckon the Old Man has done a Nathan Knorr on you. Sent the second in command to break the bad news, so if it cocks up, its not HIS neck on the block!


    Edited by - refiners fire on 13 September 2002 20:4:30

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    hmmmmm, let's see.... God's not real.....it's all a fairy tale. We're born, we live, we die....that's all, we're screwed, get over it...there's NOTHING.

    Okaaay. Got it. Now that it's understood, seems like there's a lot of energy spent putting down NOTHING.

  • Dutchie

    Religion is a snare and a racket!

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    The Watchtower god is false. He is a vindictive, petty, insecure, bloodthirsty, unhappy turd.

  • RandomTask

    Go up you baldhead!

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Go up you baldhead!

    LMAO...are you watching your back for bears in the woods?? You're a crack up, haven't heard that story in years.


  • jgnat

    Here is a thought about the Witness Jesus.

    In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2-3 ASV

    Lessee... he has spent the last 2000 years building 144,000 mansions. If he were my contractor, I would have fired him!

    Edited by - jgnat on 14 September 2002 10:41:49

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