It Aint Noone, It's Your

by Francois 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Noone is bad enough, I'll warrant (see thread below), but the offense against not only Oxford, but against Webster, that eclipses them all is the use of your when you mean you're. This one is enough to drive both the Devil and Daniel Webster straight up the wall; and it's everywhere you look. How did some of you gentle folk ever get out of eighth grade?

    Your going to regret this (likely I will).

    Your traveling over the speed limit.

    Why tell anyone what your doing?

    Why use your when you mean you're? As in ALL the examples above? Anytime you think about using "your" just say the sentence out loud substituting "you are" and see what you decide to do.

    But I've brought this up before only to be ignored.

    Maybe I would be lots better off letting the Brits have it for making words way, way too long, e.g. draught for draft, and such as that. And if bough rhymes with cow, then why doesn't cough rhyme with cow? And such as that? It's enough to push the more sensitive over the edge. And we may as well leave scissors and muscle completely out of this discussion.


  • expatbrit

    It's those dashed Americans and their......

    Oh...sorry. Already done that.


  • Vivamus

    I'm sorry! But it ain't my fault! It's the evil

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    How about improper use of apostrophes?

    Not far from where I live is a pizza place with a sign outside that reads, "DRIVER'S WANTED"

    I may be just dumb enough to work there...

    We should expect to hear from the Politically Correct police shortly, rageing about how people have a right to be ignorant and create their grammar as they go along.

  • Englishman


    I agree re "you're".

    Draught and draft are different, one is an uncomfortable wind, the other is a request to join the army.

    How about this then, as a little lad, I used to have to spell "shown" as "shewn".


  • RunningMan

    Does the same apply to y'all?

  • SPAZnik

    lol. Your funny. Like noone else. 
    the word that sometimes gets me 
    is the use of who vs. whom.
  • SYN

    Francois, you're nut is lose!

    Hey, at least it's not as bad Engrish.

    Edited to change "your" to "you're"! Damn that correct spelling!

    Edited by - SYN on 13 September 2002 18:59:29

  • SYN

    Another Engrish classic:

  • SPAZnik


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