creating romance

by SPAZnik 57 Replies latest social relationships

  • DakotaRed

    So true, RT. Over the years, I have done many things just to make the day brighter for someone else and I'm still a three time loser without a ladyfriend.

  • Xandria

    My husband does sweet things a majority of the time. He will get a card and I will wake up to it on my bedstand.

    He doesn't fail to show me I am loved.

    Sorry if this is syrupy and put you into a sugar comma.


  • SPAZnik

    oh goodie! some great replies here already.

    i'm blown away at how differently everyone views the term "romance"! very kewl!

    joannadandy...being surprised is indeed a nice romantic story. the most romantic moments i've ever enjoyed, all tend to have that element of surprise as a common denominator. in fact i don't think the specifics really matter to me as much as the delight of a surprise. life's realities can become very mundane, and depressingly predictable. in my opinion, there is nothing like the unexpected, the unanticipated, to spice things up! (ok i.o.u. a story, stay tuned. ) thatz a nice one. sure hope you like roses! lmao at "i now have a LOT of vases".

    Elsewhere...hopeless romantic eh. awww that iz sweet that u used the blush smilie. you said itz the little things that count and i couldn't agree more. u sound like an effective romantic indeed. the big show, might scare some people off...and might even create distrust re motivation/intent and the intended romance can get lost in the fabrication. the small things, on the other hand, delight and entice, and keep the flame alive!

    Introspection...i like what you said about sometimes not doing something can be the most romantic thing. that brought back some nice romantic memories i had almost forgotten actually.

    i'm not sure what i think about your thoughts on caring more for the person than they care for you being romantic. i find that more tragic. perhaps it begs the question...what is romance. i guess romance could run the gauntlet of emotion.

    Scarlet...."sappy" eh. heehee. yeah, i used to view it like dat myself. Actually *i* used to be *the* most unromantic person i knew. I scoffed in the face of sentiment! I've never considered myself romantic at all. In fact, i'd go so far as to say that i still tend to think of many romantic "gestures", in and of themselves, as "corny"!!!! In fact, being a die-hard realist, romance can even make me suspicious!

    Ok, just for you, a couple of stories from my unromantic collection/archives:

    Years ago i had an incredible crush on this cute guyfriend of mine. One night after we had been friends for like a couple years, he told me the words, "I love you". My response was to burst out laffing. Oops.

    Another *suitor* asked me, "what would you do if i gave you a rose?"
    I shrugged and said, "ummmm, smell. it. ?"

    Needless to say, at one time, i was of the "i-eat-romantics-for-lunch klass". hehe.

    However, I'm learning to appreciate the "sentiment" (yeah, all that mushy feely romeo and juliet crap *gag* *choke*) behind romance from others. Being "romanced", particularly in creative, unexpected, even unconventional ways, has its merits! it can really enhance a relationship experience.

    if you let it.

    i still don't see myself as a "romantic". by that i mean, i'm no natural when it comes to creating romance. but i surely appreciate others for their abilities to do so. i appreciate the thought that a person puts into doing some romantic thing or another, i admire the grace with which they pull it off, i especially applaud it when they are capable of totally surprising me and i respect it when they are brave enuf to express their emotions romantically.

    Scarlet, so am i safe to assume your screenname does not come from the movie Gone With The Wind? lol.

    RandomTask...i find your first sentence interesting. i'm not sure what i think about it. in my experience, life isn't always that cut and dried. i think romance can be almost an Art form. the setting of a scene if you will. i have seen romance both created and destroyed, sometimes subconsciously, often masterfully. As i see it, some people have a real knack for it. They make it seem like an Art form to me. A setting of the scene as it were. With a great capacity for nuances and symbolism and play. It's a very sexy quality IMO. I suck at it. lol.

    did you mean the feeling behind romance, the inspiration, motivation, or desire for romance, is either there or it isn't? (what did u mean anyway? care to expand? you have me all curious-like.)

    i agree 100% that roses don't necessarily = romance. bang on!
    (i wish more men understood that! lol)

    SPAZ (of the romance killer klass)

    so anyone else with opinions on just what romance is or isn't?
    or any other romantic stories?

    Edited by - SPAZnik on 14 September 2002 6:51:2

  • larc

    The most romantic thing I ever did was buy my wife a lawn mower for her birthday. I took it out of the box and assembled it. Then I put a wide red ribbon all around it, opened the gas tank and put a rose there. It was a special day. Later that day, I started it for her, so she could have the lawn mowing thrill that we all enjoy.

  • SPAZnik

    Awww, DakotaRed.

    Over the years, I have done many things just to make the day brighter for someone else and I'm still a three time loser without a ladyfriend

    Man, that loser word sounds kinda harsh.

    If your motivation was "just to make the day brighter for someone else", then you are not a loser, you probably succeeded in that goal, no?

    I'm sorry to hear you've had a ruff go of it, womantically. Seems to me its kinda kewl that you've found love three times already. I'm curious...does it get better every time? I mean, with all the learnings and experience you gain?

    I don't think romance and love are necessarily one and the same thing.


  • SPAZnik


    great post! i love to hear it!! you inspire hope that it can be done. lol.

    and see there's another one of those "little things"...a card on the nightstand. schweet.

    (Ok, Scarlet, you can stop gagging. LOL.)


  • SYN

    Apparently the ultimate romantic thing to do for a girl is a full body massage with cinammon oil. Unfortunately most girls fall asleep during the process so I've never really found out whether this is romantic or not

    PS. Secret Guy Tip #23022: Do the massage on a (clean) shower curtain or other flat sheet of plastic on your bed, and use LOADS of oil. Heh. You and your girl will be slipping & sliding around a LOT

  • SPAZnik

    larc, you Don Juan you!!

    you obviously know how to create some real vibrations!

  • Xandria

    Um Syn:

    When you do that don't squeeze her too hard or she may slip right out,of your arms; against the wall and knock herself out. Otherwise a massage is yummy for both partners.

    .o0( All naughty fun )

    A Naughty Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste!


  • Vivamus

    Hmmm, most romantic thing....

    I had a dozen little waxine lights all in the living room and a few in the bedroom. My friend came over, we each took a little blue pill and then.... Mmmm, those candles were so pretty, and we had so much fun.

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