creating romance

by SPAZnik 57 Replies latest social relationships

  • SPAZnik

    SYN - full body massage with cinnamon oil? hell yeah!

    Xandria - (hahaha funny visual.)
    do you mean to suggest that knocking the girl out puts a damper on the romance angle?

  • jack2

    I'm not much of a romantic, but i know that women like it generally and so I try to do things like having flowers sent for example.

    When my wife and I were dating, I once walked to her parents house (about 4 miles away) after a snowstorm. She still mentions that every now and then.

    For me, I try to do the little things that hopefully make her job and burdens easier. I don't know if taking a load of wash down to the washer and running it for her, and then hanging it, is considered romantic, but I try to do things that just make her life a bit easier, and she appreciates it.

  • Introspection
    i'm not sure what i think about your thoughts on caring more for the person than they care for you being romantic. i find that more tragic. perhaps it begs the question...what is romance. i guess romance could run the gauntlet of emotion.

    Spaz, actually what I said was caring more for the other person than my own desire for them, but I can imagine that being in the face of their desire for me to be a romantic person. I guess where that comes from is my desire for them to know that ultimately they are not dependent on me, to want them to know they can stand on their own two feet.

    I should note that this goes for everyone of course, if you care for everyone in this way it wouldn't be so tragic since you wouldn't be in relationship with all of them anyway. Despite what I've said here, though, there is always the question of whether it is a good match. It isn't that the romance (in the sense where everyone else view the word) isn't there, it's that it's secondary to you caring about the person. I guess where I'm coming from with this is that both thoughts and feelings can become an addiction, but that doesn't mean those aren't things we can enjoy without getting too caught up in them.

  • YoursChelbie


    You hit the nail on the head!

    Feeling appreciated is romantic.

    (Even if it is just a little help with the laundry.) Your wife and you seem to have a good thing there.

    Romance and consideration are almost the same, but romance takes it a step further.

    It comes from sincerely caring about someone and not being afraid to show it.

    It can also just be sharing a fun, private moment together.

    P.S. A chilled bottle, two glasses of wine and quiet conversation in the bedroom; that is probably the most romantic gesture two people can share.


  • DakotaRed

    You too are correct, Chelbie. Both in a relationship need to feel appreciated and cared for if it is to work.

    SPAZ, I can't really say I found love three times. Maybe I just fooled myself into believing I did. I also can't say any one was any better either, just each successive one hurts a bit more.

    To me, real love is what is there when the infatuation dies down. Still caring for and wanting to be with the person in spite of all the imperfections. But, it needs to come from both. Unselfish giving, being there for each other and reaching out to each other too. I envy any of you that have found it.

    Lew W

  • bikerchic

    I saw this thread started lastnight and I though I would post the most romantic thing to date that my love has done, then almost simutaneously he "ut-ohed" me on ICQ.......if I would have cut and pasted our conversation, well it probably would make a sailor blush......cut to the chase....he TURNS ME ON! I've never met him......but will in 6 1/2 days.

    The romance is off the chart! It's in everything he says, the way he feels towards me, how we complete each others sentences, his loving kind thoughts and how he fills the too long, too empty spaces in my heart, but the bestest part is knowing I do the same for him.

    Everytime we talk, every minute of every hour is the most romantic time of my life. Funny thing is that he doesn't even try, it's just him being Craig.

    bc of the hopelessly romantic class.....found my true love class...sigh!

  • Dutchie

    Bikerchic, it's Onacruse, isn't it? Yes, because in a post by him he's counting the hours!

    How romantic, how lovely, how lucky the both of you are!

    You both found your soulmates online. Congratulations.

    I am incredibly happy for the both of you. Best wishes, Love Dutchie

  • willdabeerman

    oooookkkkkkkk thanks people for making me look all bad do people think of mushy things like that?.i really wanna know. cuz i couldent think of anything like that even if i wanted to....;-)....almost made me quezy?.....but i guess im just an idiot anyway...damn i need a beer.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I like Jack's idea of romance: that's my kinda romance! I sure like it when my husband does something to help me out around the house without the smart comments or me even asking. It shows that he put a thought into something for me that alot of men don't even wonder about. Like: wow! my clothes were dirty yesterday, and now their hanging in the closet! Hmm.. how did *that* happen?


    Country Girl

  • TR

    I don't know if I've done one huge romantic thing, but I do several small things:

    Send a dozen roses to my wife when she is at work, and all the other gals get jealous

    Come home from work, and suprise my wife with more roses.

    Jump in the shower with her when she's totally not expecting it.

    Take care of the kids needs so she can take a long hot bath with no worries.

    Take out the garbage and do dishes without being asked.

    Let her sleep in on weekends and take care of kids needs.


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