It's been a fun ride (Moving On)

by Reborn2002 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    To my friends, exJW's, and hypocritical Watchtower-apologists,

    I promised on this website quite some time ago that should I ever leave, I would be honorable and not complain nor post some grandiose exit so as to garner unnecessary attention and bandwidth, and I will keep that promise. I am not complaining, I love many people on this website, and can relate to their pain like few others can, because I experienced it myself. However I did feel it would be appropriate out of respect to at least explain to some of the friends I have made while here why I will be leaving.

    I have received a new job offer ( a promotion ) which will require quite a bit of travel and I will no longer be subjected to a cubicle farm where I sit at a desk and do someone else's work while perusing the Internet and as my multitasking skills allow, thankfully though was my saving grace in maintaining some level of sanity while being limited to such a sedentary form of employment.

    I have given it a lot of thought, and I feel it is best to severely limit my time here. The best way to live after being subjected to such a filthy, vile, disgusting (not enough words to describe it) cult which destroyed my family and stole my childhood, I no longer wish to have the Jehovah's Witnesses in my mind, thoughts, or daily life.. in any fashion. I do not wish to concern myself any longer with their hypocrisy, or to debate with anonymous jackasses who willfully defend them. I intend to spend the rest of my life happy, with a wonderful job paying extremely well, and to move onward towards other goals I intend to achieve, that would never have been possible should I have remained in the JW cult.

    My heart, thoughts, prayers, and most genuine affection and warmth goes out to all the friends I have made while here. I will not even bother attempting to name everyone, because if I left an individual out, it would be disrespecting to them. If you have had chat with me and we were on good terms, you know who you are out there.

    In my entire 9 months on this website, I have learned so much and grown as a person. I thank many of you for sharing your stories and having patience with me during periods that I was depressed or angry and demonstrated my passion in posts that were unnecessarily profane or argumentative.

    If anyone wishes to contact me, you may email me at:

    i[email protected]


    [email protected]

    and I will be happy to attempt to get back to you.

    I would still like to meet many of you, for during my tenure here I never had that opportunity. I am still open for chat, but I will be spending very little time on from this point forward.

    When the opportunity presents itself, I would love to come to some of the Apostafests held in various locations. It's not a matter of discussing things JW-related, but it is a feeling of mutual respect from others who were as roses that grew from concrete. You (meaning ex-JW's) lived under the tyrannical reign of the Watchtower Society, whose rules permeated every conceivable part of your life, and you found your way out and have succeeded in making your life better for yourself, despite the odds.

    I admire that and respect it.

    Simon & Angharad, I want to personally thank you for providing this website for so many to gather together. If there is something beyond this life, then you shall be rewarded a hundredfold for helping so many people worldwide to heal from the unspeakable pain and suffering so many endured under the Jehovah's Witnesses' grasp.

    Wt-apologists, if you wish to post on this thread and mock or ridicule me, that is fine. Your works will demonstrate what true form of Christian love you possess, and I feel pity for you, but I damn sure won't miss you.

    With all that said, I bid all of you adieu, at least for now.

    With Most Affectionate Thoughts,


  • COMF

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your association and friendship, Jason. All the best to you in life.


  • DakotaRed

    Jason, best of luck to you. I have been limiting myself here too as there is a real world outside of JWD and it too can be a lot of enjoyment. If you ever get out here to the Vancouver Washington/Portland, Oregon area, give me a call or email me. I'll give you my number and we can get together.

    Lew W

  • Valis

    rebbies! don't go! Am I to be the sole member of the "thug" class? *L* I hope you do well w/your new job and please come back if even just to say hello or tell us how it goes. Best of luck Jason and do stay in touch. Oh and who now will take the blame for me hijacking You Know's threads?


    District Overbeer of the "lone thug" class

  • bikerchic

    Reborn I wish the best for you and congrats on your promotion. Please check in, don't leave totally. What a great thing you did to inform us your departure, and I do hope it's brief as we all find solice in each other.

    I'm glad to see that you have grown by coming here, you have in turn given much back to help others in their growth and struggles.

    Warmest wishes in your future Jason!


  • hillary_step


    I have been continually impressed with the scope of your posts on this Board. You have a wisdom well beyond your years.

    Good luck and above all Peace - HS

  • xenawarrior

    Good Luck Jason!!!!!!

    Your insight is keen and I've always enjoyed chatting with you. Take good care of yourself!!!!


  • Joyzabel


    I'm glad you are moving on. You will be missed, but I think it is wonderful that you recognize the need to put all this behind you. That is the real goal in my life, several years from now, to not have a jw even on my radar scope.

    Don't forget us. You know you are always welcomed to come back and just hi.


  • Vivamus

    Jason, I wish you all the best. May you find what you are looking for, and achieve all your goals.


  • Flip

    J, Thanks for being so generous with incriminating Watchtower publications you seem to have right at your fingertips.

    No doubt the fearful and mischievous will crack a bottle to celebrate your absence, only I will wish you well.


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