It's been a fun ride (Moving On)

by Reborn2002 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar


    Congratulations on your promotion. I know you are gonna kick some butt. You were so much fun in chat and we will miss you. Please stay in touch.



  • notperfectyet

    Fine Jason...Whatever.....I have not learned to live life to the fullest, and it's only this website that keeps me going.

    Go, live and'll be back...'cause you need us like we need you....<sob>

  • TR

     Hey Valis, what am I, chopped liver?
     Jason, congrats on your new employment, and have fun! 
    There were several times that I wanted to quit because 
    I didn't want to think about 'hovahs anymore, 
    but I have to realize that it's a part of me. 
    I can come and go as I please, which is refreshing.

    Edited by - TR on 14 September 2002 18:9:56

  • Valis

    Dam apollogies! *LOL*...Nice to know I'm not the only thug in town...and yes we could arrange to chop your liver over several hundred pints of spiritual food...just tell me when and where!


    District Overbeer of the "chopped liver" class

  • Quotes

    Reborn Jason, that was a beautiful post, which is what I have come to expect from you.

    I hope you will stop in back here once in a while, but if you don't, I'll understand.

    Your presence here will be missed, but your need to get on with your life and put this behind you is the most important thing. (If I could deal with my JWD addiction better, I would do the same thing. Maybe one day)

    I wish you peace, long life, prosperity, and happiness.

    And if you are ever in Toronto, look up me (Quotes) and Beans: there will always be a cold beer waiting for you here.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Jeez son , you brought a tear to my eye. I think its because you can leave the dubs behind. A lot cant. Your input will be sorely missed, and i wont soon forget those couple of cut and paste slug matches we had. Good luck. But you wont need it, A man who knows what he wants and goes for it, is destined to achieve.

  • scumrat

    Best of luck Jason.

    I've enjoyed many of your posts. Congrats on the new position.


  • ugg

    '"CONGRATULATIONS".......again,,,some one finding closure...way to go on the new job....

    best wishes and hoping the best for you.....

  • Scully

    Congratulations on the new job, Jason!

    The time and effort you invest in your career will help you achieve the ultimate goal of almost every ex-JW: to have a fantastic life in spite of what they've put you through.

    Living well and having a great life is the best revenge we can hope to have on JWs. They expect us to be miserable screw-ups for the rest of our lives for having abandoned The Truth(TM). To prove them wrong, to give them no pathetic example of a wasted life to point at and frighten their children with, is the best outcome most of us can hope for.

    Good luck and best wishes always, my friend.

    Love, Scully

  • teejay


    I wish I'd known you better. You're a fair man.

    Sorry to see you go, but happy just the same.

    Good luck, dude. See ya 'round.

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