AHHH Stigmata!!! Our neighbors had us watch this about a year or so ago, they were really freaked out and watned to know what we thought. So we put the movie and started watching it. My initial reaction was "wow isn't this a wonderful provision, bleeding and in agony from the would Jesus suffered, that's such a blessing". I wouldn't want to belive in anyone that I thought would do that to people, I thought that was sick. Halfway through I turned to mom and said, "do you suppose they're referring to the Book of Thomas"? So we waited and sure enough it was. So after the movie I went and grabbed my copy of 'the book of Thomas' and we read it over (short book). It read like the other gospel, we couldn't see where anything had been added that would offend the church, or that was not in the other gospels. It contained the parables, a few new ones but nothing out of the ordinary. Later we realized that it's not what the book of Thomas CONTAINED, it's what it DID NOT contain. It only had parables, there were NO references to any miracles of any kind, or anything that would suggest Jesus was anything more then a man. This is what could not be released!!!! Hundreds of like manuscripts were found with the Isaiah Dead Scrolls, that are just now coming to light (yes hundreds). They have all be kept in careful concealment until now. They are soon to be released to the researchers and hopefully to the general public shortly. They say they've been detained because of how they will affect the Gospel accounts and the rest of the Bible. There's a good book available now called 'The Deception of the Dead Sea Scrolls' that goes into more detail. Also anyone can download a copy of the 'book of Thomas' simply search for it online and download it (it's a very small book), just make sure to get it in English . Ven
Edited by - VeniceIT on 16 September 2002 13:9:31