Some Elders Have Had Mistress'

by wednesday 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    Sorry, i don't buy into the semen back up theory.

  • Satanus

    ALL men like to have more than one wife. It's natural.

    It's natural for many men to have/want more than one wife, just like it's natural for some women to have/want more than one mate at the same time. The types that fit in this category are generally the dynamic acheivers, the movers and shakers, the rich and powerful. For others, one mate is plenty. Some can't even handle a mate.

    Our society based on socalled christian values, attempts to force all to the same standards. That's why there is so much hypocricy. Would society be better if people were free to openly have multiple mates? It's a tough question to answer. The affects on the children are very important. At least if the one mate rule wasn't touted as the ideal, then the expectations of the children wouldn't start at the point of fidelity of their parents to each other.


  • SYN

    SS: There are societies and cultures in remote places today where the whole husband/wife thing doesn't happen very often, and where it is considered better for children if the mother gets pregnant from multiple men (obviously only one man will actually get her pregnant). Apparently according to their beliefs, the child will be stronger if more than one man is the father. What happens is that the kids still have a great relationship with their mom, the same as in our society, but the role of fatherhood is subtly changed, in that the child will effectively have many "uncles" instead of just a single father.

    Apparently their life is a lot less stressful too. Personally I wouldn't mind living in such a society, where everybody pitches in to help raise the children. It basically gets rid of the problems of divorce, alimony, and cheating, all in one fell swoop. People who demand that their partners stay exclusive to them are actually looked upon as weird and cruel in these societies.

    Obviously such a system isn't perfect, but it IS a damn sight better than what I see around me today.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    To be honest as an ex-elder's wife I never saw this. And if I did you bet I would be talking about it.

    It surprises me because I have never seen it but then again I know full well that some elders think they are gawd and would probably go head and do what ever they want.

    (((HUGS))) to LE and Wed. No one should be placed in those kinds of situations


    my gosh it can not be true they are men of GOD and when do they have the time t have any ???? queenie

  • wednesday

    Perhaps i should have titled this "some elders have had mistress" Not all elders do this, but in the many years i have been in org, i have seen it often enough. It's flattery to the highest degree.Imagine having all the answers and being in a positon where your every word is golden. It is difficult not to take advantage of the situation. Amazing it does not happen as often as it does.

  • minimus

    some elders are smart,too.

  • deddaisy
    A woman who demands a man have sex only with her, and just suppress his needs when she is having her time, or is cranky, or is just not "in the mood" is being selfish and short-sighted.

    such an easy solution.... if a man has such a sexual appetite, why does he commit to such a selfish woman who expects faithfulness? why marry at all ? Or why not marry instead, an open-minded, unselfish woman who also enjoys sleeping with other people?

  • Larry

    Wednesday - You are definitely on to something - I've seen it since I was a youth.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Peace - LL.

  • MikeMusto

    In my cong. some say that I have a david ..solomon..and Scott Baio.

    However, most woman cling to me because of my fashinista input and advice.

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