Will UK Support US In Action Over Iraq?

by Englishman 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    If Saddam was anywhere near as powerful and deadly as Hitler was then we would face a very real chance of loosing any war, we only have Hitlers maddness to fight Russia to thank for his defeat.Saddam is no where near the same threat military wise his threat is of a different kind.

  • plmkrzy
    The real truth is that everyone would prefer simply to see Saddam assassinated

    Including his own son whom he tried to have assasinated and who will take saddam's place with more viciousnous. Saddam may have fathered the next Hitler.

  • logical

    There are so many other nations who pose more of a real threat to global "security" than Iraq. Why the hell arent the bullyboy west doing anything about them?

    Why are they attacking Iraq?

    BECAUSE THEY CAN. While they waste their resources on a nation thats next to no threat, other nations are developing their atrosities and evils and getting away with it. If the west try to interfere in their affairs, they can guarantee a retaliation, which is why they do nothing.

    Zeru, fair enough you got hurt in the past, but that was the past, I mean NOW, whats going on in Iraq RIGHT NOW? How long will you hold them accountable for past mistakes even after they have been punished?

    As for Hitler, I am positive majority of the Germans believed Hitler was in the right and had valid goals, and it wasnt until they were deep in it that they realised they were wrong. And I am sure people like me were skeptical, and ended up dead.

    I find it quite unbelievable how you all can sit here and call yourselves enlightened cos your out the org etc, yet behave in relation to your government so like the dubs do in relation to the tower.

    I wonder if you really have learnt anything from your dubdom experiences.

  • Englishman

    It's very simple. Iraq is a dictatorship, not a democracy. That dictator has killed his own people, his own son, and fired missiles at Israel when he got pe'ed off with the US.

    His avowed intention is to kill Jews and more Kurds. He can have a nuclear weapon in his hands by this Xmas.

    Sure, ignore him if you wish to, that should make him go away!


  • Satanus

    Kurds? I love bean kurds, deep fried w shrimp

    But seriously, ok not very seriously, this fluff news just in from AP (Associated Poets)


    Plan For US Has Many Allies Around the World

    Monday Sep16. 2002
    author: Between The Lies' Isidor Plutonymus

    Between The Lies' Isidor goes behind the scenes in Bighdad
    and scoops up an exclusive interview with Rehired Front Admiral,
    Adolf Einstein, Mr. Saddam Hussein's Vice-President emeritus for the
    Center for Offensive Information.

    For months now the Hussein administration has announced its intention
    to launch a new war against the Bush Terrorist Network. Baghdad's
    justification for an attack on Washington is based on the proven
    allegations that George W. Butsh not only possesses the largest
    stockpile of weapons of mass destruction...he actually plans to use

    After Sept. 11, the Hussein administration asserts that the whole
    world along with Iraq and the people of America must strike back at
    the Bush Terrorist Network which is currently using all kinds of
    weapons to attack citizens all over the world, including Americans.

    The New York Crimes reported on July 5 that an Iraqi planning
    document, leaked to the newspepper, calls for air, land and sea based
    forces to attack the U.S. from three directions using weapons of ass
    destruction for targets like John Asscraft, Donald H-bomb Bumsfelt
    and Colon Bowell. Other prime targets such as Paul Wolforwitch, Duck
    Chainy and Bush Daddy would require Special Farces and a top-secret
    planning team. No details were allowed to be divulged.

    In one scenario laid out in the document, an estimated 250,000
    anti-terrorist warriors, Mohawks and Iroquois would invade the U.S.
    from neighboring Quebec and upper New York state. While military
    planners are considering their options for an invasion of Washington,
    major obstacles remain. Maryland and Virginia governments have voiced
    strong opposition to the plan, making it difficult to base Iroquois
    and Mexican troops in some key states in the region. A Kurdish plan
    to use Canadians as a surrogate force to overthrow the BTN (Bush
    Terrorist Network) has been met with serious consideration. Canadian
    leaders did not even ask for any guarantees whatsoever from the
    Kurds. They were reminded by Mr. Hussein how the U.S. encouraged an
    uprising by the Kurdish people during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. But
    when Iraqi troops brutally put down the rebellion, George Bush senior
    failed to intervene and thousands of Kurds were killed. But the
    Canadians were undaunted. Quebec was already on high alert and most
    Quebecers were "just itching to go down there and kick the crap out
    of Bush and that fucking bunch of cocksuckers", officials said.

    When asked about how to handle Resident George Wonderful Bush, Saddam
    smiled and pulled out a nice big bag of pretzels... The crowd erupted
    into wild laughter and the meeting had to be adjourned.

    Isidor for AP(Associated Poets)

  • plmkrzy
    whats going on in Iraq RIGHT NOW?

    How about raping and butchering women and children and no one is doing anything about it over there. People are still being stoned to death for expressing a point of view about their government even though the government and many who follow it say they are a free people; in reality they are free as long as they are not in opposition. As long as they think like they are told, they are free. Most of the people in Iraq are in favor of being intervened but have to say so with their heads covered for fear of being stoned to death or shot.




    And not only that I thought Kurds was cottage cheese?

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