The foretold prophet was not Jesus

by plmkrzy 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    refiners fire,

    Thank You, yes, LOL, I was under the impression that she was a Muslim, I am sorry about the confusion.

    Well, at least if any Muslims do look at this Thread maybe they can Post some Replies.

    -UNdf'ed, trying to be a follower a Christ

  • plmkrzy
    I was under the impression that she was a Muslim

    LOL. I was getting suspicious myself. No I'm not but I was begining to feel like I was having to start defending something that I don't even believe in. LMAO!

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    LMAO at plmkrzy, Thanks for this Thread!

  • plmkrzy

    Well at least we got some excersize out of it.

  • BugParadise
    plmkrzy: BugParadise yes it is a good link. I've been checking it out. Thanks for posting it.

    The Qur'an treats Jesus as a very important figure. It gives him a greater number of honourable titles than any other figure in the past. It calls him a 'sign', a 'mercy', a 'witness', an 'example' one who is upright, one who is eminent, and 'one brought nigh unto God' .

    You're welcome

    It's so different from what I am used to (the muslim religion) that I need to take some more time and familiarize myself with their teachings just for informational purposes. I have a muslim friend but we never discuss her religion. Being of Jewish decent it makes it hard sometimes with all that is going on over in the Middle East to keep an unbiased perspective.


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