Greetings from the UK! We were invited to a conference to speak on sl issues and had a very productive weekend. It appears many here are very aware of the abuse issue and want to get involved. We are going to be at ridgeway bethel on Monday (see earlier post) at 10:30 am to offer a stuffed lamb to the branch here. At 11 am I have requested to meet with the Branch Committee to discuss abuse issues. I hope they have prepared well....I have another important appointment in the afternnoon, but why should I give WT all my surprises.
I have found the folks here to be very kind and hospitable. The weather has been absolutely beautiful with sunshine every day. Who said it rained in England?? The country is absolutely stunning.
I was able to meet some brothers and sisters who were very disturbed about the abuse issues and esecially the reaction of WT by their arrogant stonewall attitude. I found out about a case that involved six children that was filmed by Panorama but they were not able to get it in. Again all covered up in a required reporting country. I was able to distribute the first sl t-shirts and bumper stickers here as I had just got them in. should start making a lot of appearences around the UK and in the near future we are planning a march here. When the date is set we will make an announcement.
I find it humerous when angry JW's say silentlambs has had their 15 minutes of fame, it seems they just do not get it. The issue is gaining momenteum, more and more pressure is beng brought to bear on this matter. Is our 15 minutes over? Or has it been more like 30 minutes? Whose fame are we really talking about? It is the silent lambs fame, they are roaring, the media is listening, and WT has no comment. Great PR guys, that makes the media really think you have compassion.
I welcome anyone in the UK to appear for the meeting at WT in the am. This is history, if you can be part of it, you will be very proud someday you were.