silentlambs U K

by silentlambs 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    Greetings from the UK! We were invited to a conference to speak on sl issues and had a very productive weekend. It appears many here are very aware of the abuse issue and want to get involved. We are going to be at ridgeway bethel on Monday (see earlier post) at 10:30 am to offer a stuffed lamb to the branch here. At 11 am I have requested to meet with the Branch Committee to discuss abuse issues. I hope they have prepared well....I have another important appointment in the afternnoon, but why should I give WT all my surprises.

    I have found the folks here to be very kind and hospitable. The weather has been absolutely beautiful with sunshine every day. Who said it rained in England?? The country is absolutely stunning.

    I was able to meet some brothers and sisters who were very disturbed about the abuse issues and esecially the reaction of WT by their arrogant stonewall attitude. I found out about a case that involved six children that was filmed by Panorama but they were not able to get it in. Again all covered up in a required reporting country. I was able to distribute the first sl t-shirts and bumper stickers here as I had just got them in. should start making a lot of appearences around the UK and in the near future we are planning a march here. When the date is set we will make an announcement.

    I find it humerous when angry JW's say silentlambs has had their 15 minutes of fame, it seems they just do not get it. The issue is gaining momenteum, more and more pressure is beng brought to bear on this matter. Is our 15 minutes over? Or has it been more like 30 minutes? Whose fame are we really talking about? It is the silent lambs fame, they are roaring, the media is listening, and WT has no comment. Great PR guys, that makes the media really think you have compassion.

    I welcome anyone in the UK to appear for the meeting at WT in the am. This is history, if you can be part of it, you will be very proud someday you were.


  • DeProgram

    cc Glad things are moving forward, WT should have done something about this a long time ago, you can't cover up something that God doesn't want covered up , My prayers are with the Children, and Adult Children of Child Abuse , God will sort out the perps, Gods Speed Bill Bowen.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My heart is with you Bill

    and love to all the silent lambs in the UK

  • wednesday

    I had given up hope for any kind of real recovery. Now i have hope again. Thank u for stepping forward. to help the most helpless among us-our precious children.


    Edited by - wednesday on 15 September 2002 14:49:50

  • sf

    Yes, and when a 'snowball', like a freight train, goes DOWN HILL, almost as if it is taking on a life of it's own and defying gravity, it can and DOES cause and create great devastation. What more could we ask for? {{thumbs up Bill}}

    'Snowball', as it gains IT'S momentum: (which contains):

    Colleagues concealed sex abuse to protect 'clean image' of Witnesses: elder TORONTO (CP) - Two church elders from an Ontario group of Jehovah's Witnesses were more worried about the "clean image" of their faith than they were the well-being of a young sexual abuse victim, one of their former colleagues said Thursday. Harald Momm was one of eight elders in the Shelburne, Ont., congregation in 1990 when he learned one of their young disciples had accused her father of sexually abusing her several years earlier.

    Parents split over treatment of Jehovah's Witness girl hug at her burial
    CALGARY (CP) - THE PARENTS WHO FOUGHT BITTERLY OVER THE TREATMENT OF THEIR cancer-stricken Jehovah's Witness daughter shared their sorrow Thursday at her burial. Arliss and Lawrence Hughes stood looking at each other for a second at the gravesite of 17-year-old Bethany, seemingly unsure what to do.

  • SYN

    It's really nice to see that The Cause is progressing.

    Show them what we're made of Bill!

  • Simon

    Welcome to our "green and pleasant" land Bill !

    I hope it goes well on Monday.

    I wish i could be there but unfortunately I am conducting interviews that day. I am so sorry that I will not be able to make it.

    My heart will be there and I hope I get to meet up with you while you are over.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Bill ; glad everything is going well in england>>>if they don,t meet with you at the bethel you should use a BULLHORN. TO CALL THEM OUT. that should get media when the wt refuses to talk to you. we should usde BULLHORNS AT ALL SILENTLAMB MARCHES. it works great for al sharpton. i looking foward to brooklyn ,when none of the gb will talk to you and you call them out with the BULLHORN.... THAT WILL WAKE UP ALL IN THE BETHEL.... SOUNDS EFFECTIVE!!!! THINK ABOUT IT.... JOHN IN THE BRONX

  • abbagail

    HEY BILL! Here's some MORE Great News (if you haven't already heard about this): FYI: The gentleman, RevMalk, who offered to do the SHOPPING CART for silentlambs last week already has the page set up, short of a few things, but so far the PAGE LOOKS FANTASTIC!! It's GORGEOUS, PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL! (imho! I'm so excited!!!) If you have time and want to take a look at it, please go here:

    RevMalk still needs photos of the coffee mug, the lapel pin, the bumper stickers, and two of the three tee-shirts ("Commemorative SL March Teeshirts" and regular "SL Teeshirts"). And, eventually of course he'll need a photo of the "Commemorative Photos of the March." He also wanted confirmation on the pricing, etc. He got the site up within a day, but you had already left for the UK. I know you are very busy over there, but if you see this and have time to take a look and/or have any comments or directions, RevMalk's "open" email addy is:

    [email protected]


  • CornerStone

    Good idea JC,

    Call the God-less cowards out with bullhorns. Throw their dirty little secrets right in their faces. Lets see what happens. Betcha their gonna run. Just like the cowards they are.


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