I was cleaning the house and since our roommate works 3rd shift I have to do this quietly since he sleeps during the day. I can't have the radio blasting or the TV on really loud so I clean in silence, which tends to make the mind wonder.
Here was my thought, might be dumb but here goes------------
The "great tribulation". Was this something the GB thought up to have a reason to cover anything that might be found out later. The sexual abuse scandal I am sure is viewed as persecution of the org to it's highest ranks. Many are falling away because of this and seems to be "fulfilling prophesy" for them. I am no bible scholar and haven't opened one in over a decade--except to cross-reference Franz book which has only been recently. Since I stoppped the poision of the borg at the age of 15 and that was almost 12yrs ago, I can't remember if this is actually stated in the bible as truth. I don't ever recall any other religion (I am sure there may be some) or all other religions teaching this. That is why I was wondering if this was just another tactic for the GB to cover there tracks for later yrs.
Just a thought.