I was just curious, thanx for all your responces.
Just a thought, would like input on it please
by Jesika 13 Replies latest jw friends
I remember something about "touching the apple of his eye." The prophecies said that when they attacked other religions (the Catholic priests?) it would be a signal of the time of the end. Then, when they turned and attacked the JWs and began persecuting them (by asking them questions they can't answer on the evening news), then the end would come. It would be like someone touching God's eye and he would consider it a personal attack and begin Armageddon.
If this is the persecution they spoke about, it is interesting that God would destroy the whole world because they were attacking his people for protecting pedophiles! Yeah, right, gimme a break!
Good ????? Jes, i think i will do some research on this. When I went to church i recall something about tribulation, but I am going to do some studying on this. I'll let you know if i find anything out.
A Paduan
Tribulation is not the same as persecution. "Behold, famine and plague, tribulation and anguish are sent as scourges for the correction of men." (for their good).
The tribulation is saving chastisement, for mankind to understand the truth of themselves. No sign shall be given to the evil generation except the sign of Jonah, and the sign of Jonah is a tribulation such as there has never been before - a living hell, with a difference. Anyone who has truly experienced the meaning of Easter Saturday will undoubtedly never be the same again. It is the descent into hell, where a person is forsaken. " My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" In a sense, the knowledge that your for hell, not heaven, and accept it to be as so.
And it is amplified by those who use the sword (wield the scriptures).
"A man shall have no pity upon his neighbors, but shall make an assault upon their houses with the sword (the word), and plunder their goods (earned works), because of hunger for bread (God) and because of great tribulation" (the necessary chastisement that God provides).
It is different from persecution, in that it involves the word, and it is not a light matter for anyone suffering under it " we ourselves shudder as we hear of the tribulations of these young men; they not only saw what was happening, yes, not only heard the direct word of threat"
Yet through the forsakeness, the word that is "kept" in the heart of His sheep all the time is -
" you promised that if we should have reverses, and tribulation should overtake us, you would listen to our petition when we come to this place and pray"
But, as the sign of Jonah shows it won't be over on the first 'day'.
"When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to the LORD your God and obey his voice"
Yes, it is in Revelation - in another place.
"I John, your brother, who share with you in Jesus the tribulation and the kingdom"
Edited by - a paduan on 17 September 2002 3:49:26