I'm Pi$$ed

by Elsewhere 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Windchaser

    I was diagnosed with clinical depression a few years ago. I gotta take my pills every day because I HAVE A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE, that doesn't go away with 'positive thinking'.

  • Elsewhere

    Thanks for responding when I was angry.

    [Academy Award Ceremony]
    Oh! You do love me! You really do love me!!! [sobbing]

  • Windchaser

    Elsewhere, I am curiously attracted to you. Maybe it's the cowlick!

  • Elsewhere

    Silly windchaser... that is not my real pic!

    BEHOLD!!! Here are some pics that show me in all my glory!

  • sunshineToo

    Sorry about your insurance thing. By the way I like your lawn.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Nice pics Elsewhere!!

    My opinion on the subject of depression, is that unless we are experts in the field, we in no position to comment.

    Even sufferers of depression who have found success with certain treatments cannot say what is good for one is good for all. Each case and cause of depression is different.

    Personally I am not a sufferer, but I have seen first hand where neglect of this disorder can lead...and its not nice.

    It is not a wise thing to offer an opinion based on so very little knowledge on such a broad problem.


  • VeniceIT

    windchaser I think it's the meds jk

    Elsewhere sorry hun, life's rough sometimes. I'd tell my boss ooppps sorry I forgot to save it . About the depression I'm sorry about that, and that some people can be so insensitive. I must admit that I didn't understand it myself but have had some these past 2 years. And I've always been a very positive person never thought I'd have a problem with that, I was too strong for that, WRONG, I didn't have a clue.

    I think they way to treat depression depends on what causes it. There's no right or wrong way what works for one person won't always work for someone else. Sometimes it might take meds, or herbs, or counseling. Other times it might take friendship or good polka music (you really can't feel blue listening to polka I swear ). Maybe it's just a phase in your life, or how your body chooses to handle stress or problems. Some people get ulcers from stress no one tells them to 'think positive' . I think it's great to think positive and it doesn't hurt and can probably help to some extent, but it has to be something that comes from inside, you can't be told it.

    I don't know about you but when I'm 'depressed' (and I realize mine was not that severe) I just wanted to be alone, and to think things out and the more people pushed me to 'come out of it' the deeper I went I rebelled against it. IT's like throwing water on a grease fire it DOESN'T work with that kind of thing, with certain people. If you want to help someone don't tell them what to do (ie think positive, get over it yada yada yada) but just be there to give them a hand if they need it, or someone to talk to or cry with. Encourage them and help their self image, but don't push them and don't ever thing you 'know' what another person is going through, that's not possible.

    I think depression is a personal issue and is a way for someone to grow, to understand themselves and why they feel or think the way they do. Only you can prevent depression or come out of it, I think it's an internal thing. I don't think it's 'wrong' to be depressed. I think it might have saved my life, it just shut me down, when I was overloaded. Because of it I rested and went to bed and that's how I started to heal. It should be viewed as a growing process. What doesn't kill ya, makes you stronger, and this board is full of the strongest people I know. I'm so proud to be one of you.


  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I understand Elsewhere. I am now in the depths of my depression. I believe in my case it is situational depression and not chemical depression. I know in my mind that sometime next year my situation will change for the better and I can "live" again but for now I just endure and try to survive. Exercise helps me, any imrovement in my life does, but my mind seems to be my strongest enemy. I try to think positive thoughts but I sometimes think that I have had 4 rough years in a row and maybe it will never get better. So I think "happy thoughts" and "exercise" works for some, partly (in my case) for others and not at all for the chemically depressed. My .$02

  • ThiChi

    As Dr. Peck explains, Depression is the process of feeling loss which, in turn helps us to grow and move on. So depression is a natural occurrence for human growth. Those who continue with this feeling and not moving on, do need help to move on and grow. Your thought process and the "Self Knowledge" of were you are and what you need to become is connected with dealing with a feeling of loss, according to Dr. Peck.

  • Englishman

    M. Scott Peck's book is not a comfortable read, however I would rate it very highly as an excellent book for those who need to confront their demons. It sure helped me with mine!

    Her Ladyship found it invaluable when dealing with an extraordinarily demanding relative, she found that the more she gave, the more was demanded in a never ending cycle of appeasement. Now she's broken that cycle, the demander has become happier too.


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