What is really weird about all this...finding this forum, telling my story and even opening up to people at work about my experience (something I have never done before until this week) is that everywhere I go now I am running into Dubs here in my town. Small town, very small comgregation....congregation consists mainly of seniors so hopely someday it will not exist WAHAHAH. I am sure I have run into them many times before and just never noticed..but they seem to be everywhere now. Of course most of them ignore me all the way..but I have blown smoke their way a few times this week. (Too bad I am quitting smoking on the 24th, I hope).
My short time WITH and AS a JW
by pincushion 23 Replies latest jw experiences
pincushion, welcome to the forum. You will find it very therapeutic.
Great work, that restraining order! And the blowing smoke in the face. BRILLIANT!
Good luck quitting smoking -- not because someone tells you to quit, but because you want to quit.
Lots of love from here in Toronto! We'll see you online!
Great story, great result! From my experiences with these tossers, you find that they do give up after a while - actually very soon after you leave.
Enjoy your freedom!
i hope you are able to heal some here....the scars of being a witness can be deep and painful....
talk when ever you need to....it is nice to beable to be your self.....welcome...