Why are all angels in JW publications male?

by kenpodragon 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Were the angels who helped Lot escape Sodom male or female?


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well bugger me beck....

    If they had been GIRLS, when the men of Sodom said "bring them out that we may fondle them, in intimate manner", that wouldnt have been very DEBASED and DECADENT, now would it ??? That would be perfectly NORMAL.

    Course they were boys....

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Well bugger me beck....

    You know I don't do stuff like that RF!

    Course they were boys....

    And the angels that materialised in Noah's day?? Were they male?

    What about Gabriel, and Michael the archangel? Male?

    So if the angels have no gender, why did all the bible accounts of angels choose male bodies when they materialised?

    Just wondering.


  • plmkrzy
    The Angels in the days of Noah had sex with the women on the earth, there was no mention of women angels .

    uh...well like...yeh.

    Other wise they might get knocked up. Why would an angel CHOSE to be female especially in those days. It was the women who were being sold and traded for livestock not men.

    I think using the terms "male" and "female" are inapproiate when refering to angels. Their is probably a better more approiate word that was once used and long been lost with all the re-writting that has gone on over the centuries. imho

  • Scully

    For a WT-approved illustration of the "ideal" woman (ie, "Jehovah's woman") check out this pic from the July1, 2002 WT:

    Notice the slave's leash *cough* I mean "collar". That, and the pleased look on her face.

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 17 September 2002 9:31:37

  • ozziepost
    Not necessarily so. Simply because there were also women in attendance who HEARD his words doesn't necessarily prove that Paul was including them too in what he said about judging angels.

    Not quite, Yadirf.

    In the resurrection of the dead, men and women are not "given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven." (Matthew 22:30)

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • kenpodragon

    Question, if the male angels who came to earth before the Jewish story of Noah, had children ... how did they have no Sex Organs? What did they use then? Also, if they did not know the sex drive in heaven, how would they have understood and been tempted by it on earth. When I look at a ant serving a queen, I do not want to become a ant ... even though science says those worker ants live to serve the queen, and thus they must find some ant pleasure in it.

    Just a thought


  • plmkrzy
    how did they have no Sex Organs?


    The "reason" they materialized as men was so they could covet flesh. EXP. IT

    As the story goes they were checking out all the fun and pleasure men and women were having with sex and they decided to check it out even closer and then have a go at it. BUT in order to experience it the same way that were observing they would need to materialize in flesh. That would obviously include sex organs and probably a heart and feet and hands and fingers ...all the usual accessories.

  • kenpodragon

    If they are suppose to be a higher level of being, does it make any sense? Also, does this show that man is always a sex pervert ... as it appears even angels are a little driven by sex too. Why wouldn't they want to be woman!!!! Was there nothing exciting to them seeing what the other side felt like?

  • plmkrzy

    what exactly are you looking for?

    None of us are angels so you probably won't get an answer, just opinions.

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