The dreaded disfellowshiping

by link 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • link

    I have been informed on good authority (a dub for 27 years) that you cannot get disfelowshiped for committing a wrongdoing, only for being unrepentant.

    Can anyone tell me if this is true or not, and if it is not where the misunderstanding comes from?



  • out4good3

    That's just a big loophold.........

    All they have to do is determine that you're not repentant enough and out you go. What they want to see is big crocodile tears and a whole lot of begging and pleading for mercy. Gives them the power trip "fix" they're looking for.

    What do you think would happen if you walked in their, looked them dead in the eye and only said you're sorry with no tears and no begging and pleading?

    Is that repentance enough......

  • JBean

    I agree... just a lot more of their lame talk. I know PERSONALLY one or two people the elders "had it in for" and they practically were hysterical in their repentence... begging, crying, hyperventilating to not get the 'ol DF. Truly very sorry that they did whatever it was they did. No luck. The elders couldn't let it go. Setting precidence, ya know.

  • JT

    I have been informed on good authority (a dub for 27 years) that you cannot get disfelowshiped for committing a wrongdoing, only for being unrepentant


    this is true according to wt rules, problem is they got "Mo, Larry and Curly" AKA "THE CHEESE CRACKER MEN" making that decision-

    you got to love it

  • simplesally

    What the big joke is: how in the heck do they KNOW if you are or aren't!! One person may be "stoic" in nature, not crying, just admitting what they did, saying sorry and hope that their words are believed.

    What is terrible, is that even tho you say you are sorry during the meeting, they df you and because of that...they also in effect are calling you a liar. They don't believe you. Or they don't want to believe you.

    On the other hand, you have someone who has practised the art of conning and crying and they get to stay.

    This is why to me, the disfellowshipping process is a crock of you know what. They really should do as they say and leave it in Jehovah's hands, let Jehovah work it out. If they want to oust people, they should just oust the ones that want to be ousted. I just think they cut off their own noses despite their face.

  • RunningMan

    The bottom line is that they don't df you for committing a wrong.

    They df you simply because THEY FEEL LIKE IT.

    They don't need a reason. Any excuse will do. You could be an adulterous murderer, and they let you off. On the other hand, you could be df'd for failing to believe that the fourth bowl of God's anger refers to the 1922 Cedar Point Ohio convention.

    They say that it's your attitude that gets you disfellowshipped. Well, it's not really your attitude that does it - it's theirs.

  • LB

    My friend screwed up once. She was very sorry she did. But she was in the middle of divorcing her husband at the time. Since she refused to cancel the divorce proceedings they felt she wasn't repentent. Is that a load of BS or what? Married to an abusive turd so she is supposed to stay married to prove her repentence?

    Of course after over 20 years of lousy marriage the husband decides to study only after his wife files for divorce.

    Yeah right, think that played a part??

  • Lin

    This whole subject makes me laugh. Repentance? HA!

    My brother the "elder" was busted for having an affair with a married sister (he was also married), but he played the "elder" game, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it, and how hard to cry, knowing to say things like What have I done to Jehovah?!!!! Oh My God, cry cry cry....boohoo.

    If you know how to play the game, you might get off scot free like my brother did, otherwise you're screwed.

  • RunningMan

    "otherwise you're screwed"

    Didn't he get screwed either way? I mean, that's what started the whole thing, wasn't it?

  • jst2laws


    You asked regarding repentance:

    What the big joke is: how in the heck do they KNOW if you are or aren't!!

    It's simple, Simplesally. HOLY SPIRIT.

    "What you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven". As JT says, Mo Larry and Curly are specialist at this sort of thing. They can't screw up because they are appointed by "Holy Spirit" therefore their decisions are guided by "Holy Spirit".

    No wonder those who loose faith in the organization often loose faith in God!


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