One of the things the congregation secretary has to do is tabulate field service reports. I always loved it when I would get a report that had an enormous amount of hours and placements.,especially if the person NEVER was seen in the ministry. I knew a lot of "phantom pioneers". They were never out yet, they always had the best records.Did you ever cheat on your reports?
Did YOU CHEAT on Your Time?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
William Penwell
I have to say i never deliberately cheated on my feild service reports. I did however, toward the last few years of going out in service with my ex, not report the time as I felt it was a complete waste of time. I would only go out to keep her company and i never talked at the doors.
No, I didn't. I was an idiot. I pioneered when the quota was 100 hours a month, and, believe me, it was tough trying to get that amount of time in in addition to working parttime and attending all the meetings.
I paid for it by ending up in the hospital for a month and nearly destroying my health permanently.
I know what you are saying. It was a darn tough schedule. No, I never cheated, and I felt guilty if I was three hours short of my quota.
I know many publishers that don't know how to count time or placements. For example, they would count 1 bible study and no return visits. Or they would count tracts placed as brochures. After a while, you would just record whatever they put down without questioning it. That way there could always be an accurate report!
I was a Pioneer, or course I cheated at times. ;) Although I did spend a hell of a lot of time out there. Near the end I did lie a lot, then I realized I was fooling only myself.
Just my thought
No I never did cheat on my time reporting. Now looking back on it, I sure wished I did. I managed to pioneer for 3 1/2 years. And it seemed like those last 10 or so hours was the hardest, especially in the very hot or very cold months.
When I did less than 10 hours in a month (which was often) I would double it, add some magazine, book placements, some return visits etc. In all the years I have NEVER been queried on my reports.
The Field service overseer when chasing people to put their reports in would often say "Just put something down".
Two pioneers in the congregation would often do the required hours or more. Yet no one ever knew when or where they did them.
Makes me wonder just how accurate the end of year report is.