All UK CO's and DO's recalled to London Bethel

by Jim Dee 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Plugging leaks - how Imagine, the only true Christians on earth being concerned about the content of documents that they print.

    For every elder that they sever from the congregations, and believe me the good ones are falling like flies, one will be left behind to wonder, and that is all it takes. It is clear that the GB have little concern for the lives of individuals within their Organization and are now bound on a course of self-protection that will cause much misery around the world. I cannot give too many details at present, but suffice is to say that CO's have recently been instructed to tighten the reigns, and many especially the thick-headed ones are enjoying a new wave of agressive power at their meetings with the body elders. Elders have been set up as soft targets and many more will end up in court as abuse case after case hits the headlines.

    Disgruntled eldes are here to stay. The interesting thing is going to be how to control the fallout within the congregations as elders are removed or step-aside, and the congregation begin to wonder why? Looks like yet another 'Sons Of Korah' summer Asseembly drama will be in the

    The UK Branch is usually well ahead of Brooklyn in understanding the implication of world events. It's branch committee has at least two members who think for themselves, a major weakness in the WTS soft underbelly. The damage has been done, the foundation stones loosened, time will bring its own changes to the WTS.



  • og

    ballistic: meaning, it's easy and fun to go online with some fantastic new info that nobody else has especially if it's secret stuff that you only have "two-minute window" to look at. So easy and fun that folks, well-meaning or not, go ahead and do it without any proof that anything is actually happening.

    I'd like for this to be true. But for me, it will not move out of the bullshit category until someone has confirmed it. For example, does Englishman know someone in a congregation that could vouch for a recall? Can the recall letter be scanned and posted?

    I just hate it when this community gets all excited about some hoax or distortion.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Uh oh. Here it comes. One that really interests me: "Seeking out leaks in the congregations." I wonder if this is the "closing of the drawbridge" that I have been suspecting was going to happen? The tightening of the ranks to not include worldly people/relatives that have shown hostile intentions toward the JW's? Everyone in the congregations is going to be suspicious of everyone else; gossip will abound. The witch hunts have begun. Okay.. maybe I'm being a little dramatic. I dunno.. wierder things have happened with this group. When paranoia sets in, it only gets wierder. Country Girl

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This just in from the Jehovah sock puppet:

    "Noah plugged leaks to keep deadly life-robbing water out of the ark.

    This was the type for the antitypical modern-day organization, which must plug leaks to keep the truth inside and safely hidden."

  • metatron

    Solid thinking, Alan

    It's King Rehoboam ALL THE WAY!

    They can whip the brothers with scorpions all they want. I've been hoping for an
    internal crackdown for years now BECAUSE IT WILL ACCELERATE THEIR DOWNFALL, as you
    say. This isn't the Ray Franz era anymore, they won't get away with the abusive
    treatment they enjoyed in the past.

    Do these theocratic FOOLS ever think about the potential damage they can create
    by making ENEMIES of brothers who hold sensitive information? The Tacoma Parking
    scandal will be small potatoes compared to what will be unleashed in a good solid
    purge - leaving them exposed, with dwindling competent leadership to defend anything.

    God Bless the "Boss"
    In the spirit of King Rehoboam, he and his henchmen will
    destroy the Watchtower in ways we could only dream of doing.


  • og

    I ask again: is there any freaking confirmation of this? Or are we all pontificating about a meeting that isn't actually happening, or that may be about soemthing else entirely.

    All XJWs should keep in mind the prevalence of wild rumour in this ingrown organization.

    Oh, and metatron, are you a Philip Pullman fan?

  • SYN

    If this is indeed true, then the time has come when the Tower will begin battening down the hatches.

    Naturally, they will enact their own self-fulfilling prophecy that at the time of the end, nobody will be let into the Organization etc, "the door of the Ark will be closed". Many "friends" will be so scared and guilted by this that they will actually take the words of the Governing Body to heart and things will get very hard for everyone in general who is involved with the Tower, be it faders, doubters, or Apostates. Fortunately, they cannot do anything to us even if they want to. Their only power over us is our families and friends which they still hold in their grasp.

    Unfortunately for these poor deluded, arrogant MORONS on the Governing Body, this is one thing they cannot back out of. This is a history that they cannot change in their magazines and call a concience matter. Truly, my friends, we are seeing the Tower writhing in it's final, destructive fit of violence before it fades away.

  • Elsewhere

    Og has a valid point!

    Can this meeting be confirmed?

  • Analysis

    While it has yet to be confirmed; Lets assume this is true.

    Why does everyone think this is the beginning of the end? I mean look at the purge after Ray Franz, a member of governing body writes a book to expose them, and they still have growth in the developing countries.

    Do not get me wrong, they are headed in the wrong direction and their actions are counter productive. But, the part where the Fat Lady sings is still years away.

  • ns7

    In the circuit I am in, the CO has known about going to London for some weeks.

    When they arrange meals for them along with field service arrangements it was said that he would be away for Thursday only and a stand-in would be with them for this day.

    I know he did his bit at the cong on Tuesday night (this week) and told the congregation that he was going down to London on late Wednesday but would be back for ministry Friday 9:15 a.m. sharp!

    On Tuesday night there was nothing about it being a 2 day event, but he did say that he hoped to tell them all about it later in the week!


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