Letter Read to All Congregations

by AMNESIAN 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer


    This obsession WT has in using Korah every time they get paranoid about being exposed for what they really are is getting a little old. I don't understand how a thinking person can't see for themselves how much they have twisted this biblical example to fit themselves being spoken against by "disgruntled' witnesses". I have recycled an old thread regarding this under the titles of "Glorious ones, and twisting the Scriptures" and posted it up again on the board. I really hope that by doing so from time to time, it may show lurkers here that if you truly do some of your own research you can see how WT has used the Bible to foster it's own cultish lies.

  • sf

    Will some plese address what I've asked on page two, please?:

    [[ Who receives these orders of video's? Where are the shipped or mailed to? Kingdom halls and /or elders homes, directly? I have a very important reason in needing this knowledge. Thank you, in advance. ]]

    Thank you.


  • teejay


    I meant to get back to this thread sooner. Honest I did. You've done some editing since I was last here.

    Seems that the last time I was here I read that the video was to be about/had something to do with Korah. If my memory serves relative to Korah's rep in the annuls of Israelite / God's People / Jehovah Witness history, the Society's haste in getting this latest production into the hands of the r/f makes sense.

    Hasn't Korah become the wt's poster child Apostate? The one the Society points to as the foremost speaker against God's SpokesMan / Annointed One(s)?

    I can read the Watchtower article already. If pushed, I could probably WRITE it. Can't you?

  • blondie

    As someone still attending meetings occasionally, I might say that the WTS has been having a part on the Service Meeting discussing the older videos JWs already had. Prepared questions were provided in the KM as well as an outline and date for the discussion. What was discovered is that many JWs did not have the videos in their libraries and had to borrow them from other JWs. Even the KH libraries many times had no copies. I'm sure the WTS wants to be sure that every JW has a copy and views it before the Service Meeting part is scheduled because of how serious they feel the information is (the WTS' posteriors are on the line).

    But to sum up, it is an already established pattern at the Service Meeting to have a discussion part with questions on the videos.

    Edited by - Blondie on 21 September 2002 21:53:33

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    The Watchtower Society uses the following Scriptures to say that they are being persecuted, however they seem to miss a major point, which I have highlighted in RED:

    Matthew 5:10: Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Matthew 5:11: "Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for My sake.
    Matthew 5:12: Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven. For that is how they persecuted the Prophets who were before you.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Last Sunday's Watchtower Study Article was about Korah also, I believe!

  • bluesapphire

    Can someone confirm whether this video has actually been released, its contents and any other information. Thank you!


    Hi BlueSaph,

    The video, entitled "Respect Jehovah's Authority" was distributed locally several weeks ago. Thought I heard now that it is to be covered in January or February. I have not watched it but assume it is the one with Herd's intro and comments. "Highlights" supplied on the back of the cassette's cover are...


    (Emphasis theirs)

    "Israel is at the border of the Promised Land and now the nation faces a dilemma. Will they continue supporting Moses' leadership, or should they choose new leaders and return to Egypt? Some ridicule Moses as a weak leader. Rumors of nepotism and corruption are heard. A prominent Levite accuses Moses of abusing his power. The tribe of Reuben is ready to join the rebellion.

    "The family of the Levites faces a dilemma, too. Is their loyalty to family more important than loyalty to Jehovah? Will envy, pride, and ambition prevail? Find out how---at the very last moment---decisive divine intervention resolves matters and how respect for Jehovah's authority is rewarded." (Emphases mine)

    The video covered in October, entitled "'Warning Examples for Our Day," was intro'd by extre-e-emely feeble, dappered and coiffed John Barr.


    Edited by - AMNESIAN on 7 December 2002 16:24:7

  • wednesday

    Being older than dirt(well not exactly late 40's), i remember well the 80's apostate witch hunt. But i tell -as a r/f jw at that time-i did not realize it's full signifinance. I just knew there were some evil dissenters saying awful things abuot WTS and we had to show our loyality. But none of us thought the org was going down.

    So, the average jw knows very little about he silentlambs thing-except the are all a bunch of liars./and will meet there just reward.

    Probably the WTS is doing some damge control -to tighten the noose and get rid of the problem people. it's been done before.they are not afraid of us--they have jehovah on their side. they know some of them may die-they have been told that-they know that satan will turn on God's people-just like touching jehovah's eyeball-they are not afraid.. Any gearing up they do-we'll not know about unless we have someone in a really high position spying..

    the WTs releases vidos ever so often. Korah has always been popular-they use it to tighten the noose and frighten everyone. Most jw know that have been around for a while, it is one they use if sense problems. But it does not put them n a crisis mode.

  • LittleToe

    It might have to do with some high profile elders making their exit (either by jumping or being pushed).

    They are further trying to demonise ex-JW's. I suspect it may backfire, as it will reduce the shine of those in positions of authority in the congs.

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