vulture population rising

by og 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • og

    This is true! I heard it myself from a friend! Scientists from all over the world are reporting unprecedented increases in vulture population - armageddon must be near!!!!!!! You can trust me - I've posted more than a hundred times and I'm very sincere!

    Since this information is totally true - I just confirmed it for you, didn't I? - what do you think we should do? Maybe we should all organize and start ripping our clothes and throwing ashes on ourselves in public, then flock to the Kingdom Halls before it's too late?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Your wild speculations reasonable conclusions are invited! This is urgent information and we should all post a lot to show how smart we are!

  • BeelzeDub

    Some good points made and I must admit it made me laugh.

    I needed a good laugh to start my day.

    Thanks, BD

  • Hmmm

    Another unwitting example that making many posts sometimes has the opposite effect.

  • neyank

    Maybe the male vultures got a hold on some Viagra.

    That would explain the rise in the population of the birds.


  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    the towers fell (Isaia 30)

    the vultures fly

    brooklyn does sell

    the end is nigh

    and yet I planted some appletrees this spring

  • rocky220

    Question.........In what country is this happening????..........rocky220

  • og

    I said "all over the world", didn't I?

    By the way, my friend confirmed this for me again, so now it's DOUBLE-CONFIRMED!!!

    I'd tell you more, but the Watchtower Society's Secret Police (the "Nephilim") are on my trail, and I have to get to my secret Apostate Safe House before they catch me. I'll report in with more secret information as soon as it's safe and I can find a secure computer.

    Signing off for now,


  • Gopher

    In what country is this happening?
    Surely you remember from your studies that at Armageddon, God's enemies (and their entrails) will be strewn all over the surface of the earth!!

    So the vultures are increasing WORLDWIDE, as noted in the first post. Alert Bible students will take note and increase their Kingdom preaching activity (tm).

    Here is the Bible verse that PROVES that the current vulture increase means Armageddon is just around the corner (copyright 2002, WTB&TS). Revelation 19:17,18, "I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the BIRDS THAT FLY IN MIDHEAVEN, "Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, that you may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great."

  • CoolBreeze

    Are vultures edible? If they are, do they taste like chickens? If so, this would be a blessing to the Ethiopian brothers and sisters.


    Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional.

  • BeelzeDub

    Since the vultures will be sent by god to do his cleanup work, there could possibly be new light(tm) that will require the bothers and sisters to eat the vultues. Spiritual food at the proper time.(tm) I hope for their sake they do taste like chicken.

    Of course it would be improper to speculate on such matters(tm) We will just have to wait on Jehovah(tm) to see. However the WTS does not go beyond what is written(tm) so all that can be confirmed for sure is that anyone who does not join the WTS cult spritual paradise(tm) will have their flesh and eyes picked apart as their dead rotting corps' lays on the ground.



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