Should JWS wear amber items?

by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    Amber is assoiceted with magical powers and/or pagan connections?

    Should a JW even stop at traffic lights!!!!?

  • Amazing

    If the GB thought they could milk the wearing of Amber for marketing purposes, then I have little doubt that JWs would be reading in The Watchtower what they can and cannot do at traffic stops, or whether drinking orange juice is technically a form of ingesting Amber, and how to properly dispose of urine when it appears to be Amber in color.

  • bikerchic

    NO NO that is a NO NO.......and especially if it's their birthstone!

    bc wears nothing just to be safe

  • Francois

    Should "right thinking Christians" be using the common, worldly names of the days of the weeks, or months of the year, seeing they are merely modifications of various Roman, Greek, and even Scandinavian Gods (Thor = Thorsday = Thursday)?

    Should persons clearly versed in everlasting, never changing truth be burying their dead in common worldly cemetaries and be using headstones and such, in view of the fact that the use of headstones came from the pagan belief that if you didn't pile a corpse with enough heavy rocks, that its spirit would wake up at night to plague the village?

    Should the "channel of communication" that "Gawd" is using engage in wedding ceremonies with so many pagan practices still held over? The entire marriage retinue all dressed very similiarly was to confuse the deeeeminz as to the identity of the actual bride and groom so the deeeminz could go and, ahem, fool around with them on their wedding night? Further disguise of the bride was accomplished by the veil on the bride, and various customs, like a wedding band on the third finger, left hand. Totally of pagan origin.

    I SAY, son, I SAY, we can't be havin' these pagan holdovers polluting our clean christian ceremonies, why there's no telling WHERE it migt stop, or even if it ever would stop. I tell you brothers you can't let down your guard for even a minute, cause if you do KAPOW, a deemin will pop his ugly haid right through there and take some kinda pot shot at somebody. Gotta watch 'em I allus say.

    What chall think?


    Edited by - francois on 19 September 2002 10:20:9

  • Sentinel

    Probably not.

    Also, they should not be using the calendar we use, or the systems for tracking time. After all, it's taken from Greek Mythology.

    They should not wear their wedding rings on their second finger in on the left hand. They should not wear precious stones. I mean, they just might stumble someone you know.

    Gosh, I'd be afraid to even get out of bed in the morning, for fear I would engage in something I could die for.---like "living". Oooops, now there's an oxymoron for ya.


  • Matty

    If red represents things that are forbidden by God, and green represents things that are acceptable to God, then surely amber must represent ambiguity. Jehovah is not a God of uncertainty or ambiguity, and so unquestionably all right thinking Christians should avoid this colour in their homes and in their dress. If the young sisters in the congregation wear amber, this may send an outward message that they are a person of moral uncertainty to the congregation. Surely it would not be a good idea for them to be stumbling the young brothers in this way.

  • SpannerintheWorks
    Amber is assoiceted with magical powers and/or pagan connections?

    Is that a question or a statement?

    Should a JW even stop at traffic lights!!!!?

    Only on red.

  • rocky220


  • SpannerintheWorks

    You were about to say something really profound, weren't you rocky. Come on, spit it out!

  • Kenneson

    If one were to avoid everything the pagans did, one would probably have to leave this planet! After all, pagans lived in houses. They wore clothes. They used vehicles (carts, etc.--even invented the wheel). They married. They had children. The Watchtower knows how ridiculous it could get. So she claims to be anti-pagan only in matters centering on worship.

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