Getting to know someone...a little better

by forgetmenot 15 Replies latest social relationships

  • joannadandy

    Xander--you were harsh in my opinion.

    Are you a shy person? I am guessing no, but that is a total guess on my part. For shy people it's not as easy as "hmm I wonder if I am hot or not--ohh look I am, and he is unattached--this will work out lovely"--it just doesn't work like that.

    Have a little empathy will ya?

  • Xander

    Was, actually, quite shy when I was younger.

    Then had an epiphany.

    You know, you could just as easily die driving home from work today? Part fall off some airplane flying overhead, meteor strike, traffic accident, terrorist attack, gun could go off in a car or house I'm passing, etc. Did you know, in 1998, 43,501 people died in traffic accidents?

    Think about that a minute.

    Have you even SEEN 43,501 people in your entire life? *snap* dead in an instant. If they were lucky.

    Sorry, but I don't really see the point in being shy or doubting oneself.

    Nobody lives forever - make every second count.

  • forgetmenot

    Kingpawn: It only looks contradictory because I get really depressed sometimes. I have tons of friends who tell me Im so pretty, beautiful, sexy, etc. And I trust most of my friends but I dont really trust myself.

    In Jr. High we used to have these huge lockers that could probably fit two students in them (quite comfortably) if the students chose to do such a thing. But I was always afraid I was to fat or big to fit into themIt turns out Im one of those people (even six years later) you could fit two students (with quite a bit of room left) in the locker. This is why I dont trust my self image. So most days I dress and act like how I wish I would look. It seems to work for the most part.

    And yes, life is to short, to doubt or not take chances.

    (And if youre wondering why we were trying to fit into our lockers in Jr. High, its because we didnt have a cafeteria and the cleanest place was to sit in your locker and eat your food. Or if you got tired during quick, snack breaks, sitting in your locker was also the cleanest place to sit.)

    And for an update, I e-mailed him and asked him if he was going home anytime soon and if he could take me with him when he goes. I also asked him if he was going to the football gameunfortunately he hasnt e-mailed me back. So, instead of analyzing the situation, worrying about it, or trying to figure out why he hasnt e-mailed me back, Im just going to wait for his answer and if he says no, then find someone else to ride with.

  • Kingpawn
    Kingpawn: It only looks contradictory because I get really depressed sometimes. I have tons of friends who tell me Im so pretty, beautiful, sexy, etc. And I trust most of my friends but I dont really trust myself.

    I ask this question in all seriousness, since you said, in addition to the above, that you could fit inside one of those lockers with another person comfortably, plus what you said above:

    Are you anorexic? Because when I read your words above, that's the first thing that comes to mind.

    It's a common symptom among people with eating disorders. No matter how nice or even thin people say they look, they continue to see themselves as fat, and keep dieting. Or purging.

    There was a musical group at one time known as the Carpenters. Karen Carpenter died from anorexia nervosa back, I think, in the 1970's if I remember right.

    I hope you're not because you sound like a nice and interesting person. And, well, OK I'llsaythisoncebutdon'tthinkI'llmakeahabitofit, your original post in this thread was...anicechangeofpacefromthelastflamewarIread. But seriously, can all your friends be wrong? Trust their judgement.

  • forgetmenot

    This is going to sound like a symptom of anorexia but I'm too fat to be anorexic. Actually, if you want to, you can forget I posted that. Im not anorexic, I eat plenty of food, and I dont throw it up. Im sure I could easily become anorexic though, especially with the dorm food here. Do you really want me to send you a picture of me, to reassure you that Im alright?

    My biggest problem with food is that its usually not convenient to eat when Im hungry, so I wait. But by then my hunger subsides and I dont feel like I need to eat anymore. But then I end up sick because my brain cant tell if Im really hungry or really full. Then, I just want to throw up. But because I can track what Ive eaten through the day, I can tell by logical deduction, if Im full or hungry.

    The other problem is that sometimes, when I am depressed or blue, I don't think I deserve to eat and then I don't. But by the end of the day, I'm almost too weak to walk so I make myself go and eat. But my instinct to survive and feel better usually wins over my depression and blueness.

    AND...As a contiuation, that guy I was talking about...he didn't e-mail me back, the bastard. I actually don't care because he's probably really busy.



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