Why are children of elders, responsible for their fathers having to step down?
the following is the wt policy on this issue as well as so many others in this area>
IF AND I SAY IF the local congo views the father as having done all he can to raise the kids and the elder is still well respected then MAYBE he can be allowed to stay an elder.
of course the body of elders are the ones along with the co who often times are the ones who determine if THIS BOTHERS THE CONGO OR NOT
if ONE elder many times tells the CO "Many in the congo are talking about this elder and his family"
then he will likely lose his title, but if the elders go to BAT for him then he keeps his job
it is this type of silly policy that makes it possible for one elder with 2kids who get pregnant to remain and another elder who sons smokes "ONE" Camel to have to lose his funky title.
After all is said and done it is the Body of Elders and CO who make the call
when was the last time they polled the rank and file to see if you think we should work with this man
if an elder has a run in over the color of the carpet for the second school 13yrs ago and now has this type of issue come up THEN OFTEN TIMES IT PAY BACK TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND THIS one elder will dog him till his title is gone
so once again this is just what happens behind closed doors ALL OF WT RULES ARE FLUID