Often in society we let every business and organization have there day. It seems that we do not want to stifle freedom with endless restrictions, so we let people go to a point that will either bring success or failure. The thing is, those are not always the results. Sometimes business and organization grow to a point that they become harmful to society. Take for example the current energy crisis. In which large corporations were going unchecked into business dealings that were punishing the general public. On the west coast of the United States we saw our energy bill double and sometimes triple, because the greed and power of a few men. The result of their actions, lead to lawsuits and more government oversight to prevent any further harm to the people who were victimized. Had these business just run things with the correct ethics and acceptable business practices, the restrictions and regulations would have never been needed. The same is with religion. For the most part our court system and government has tried their best not to interfere with religious beliefs. Because of this, the country was ripe for the growth of such secretive religions as Mormon's and Jehovah's Witnesses. Their growth was always based in this freedom, and no matter how far they grew into the world ... home base was always "the land of the free!" Which helped them to be and feel safe. All these religions needed to do was follow a few basic guidelines to insure that no one would get hurt. Well much like business, these religions like to push those boundaries a little. For the Witnesses, this has mainly been in the medical field with the "no blood" issue. Something the government and legal system has let go, unless it involved underage patients and then they have fought it. Yet, still they did not see this as enough of a threat to do anything. So what happens, something else grows in the religion to gain more attention. What was it? Well the covering up and improper handling of child molesters. This time they end up getting a little more public attention then they wanted. Suddenly it is becoming something known by the common people, and not just medical and legal staff. Their small black eye is suddenly a large infection they can not control. The government now considers stepping in to change laws to protect the people, and why? Because a organization has once again abused the freedom they were given. Why do they do this? Could it be arrogance or lack of intelligence? No, the answer to this is the same answer it is to the large CEO's that took advantage of the people with high energy rates. It is all about "Greed and Power." One organization wants more control of you money, and the other wants more control of your life. They want to put you like a puppet below them and pull the strings to make you dance the dance they dictate. So, what happened to all those power companies that did this? Did the people accept their behavior and move along with their actions? Let me see, Enron is bankrupt other power companies stocks are trading low, and the government is watching them like a hawk with arrest happening constantly. The actions of these power companies has even affected elections, with long time office-holders losing their bids for reelection. What then is happening to the Witnesses. Well recently I spoke to my in-laws about it. Want to know how they feel? "They are pissed off" ... not at the actions of their organization, but that people from all walks of life are asking them about it all the time. They are pissed that is comes up in service with householders, that people are making fun of them for it and they are seeing it on the news. Amazing how a black eye stands out in a crowd. So I wonder now with all this happening. We all know the history of the rise of the Jehovah's Witnesses, are we living the history of the fall? Only time will tell. Because just like the power scandals, the people know the real truth and they are doing something about it. There growth is slowing, their frustration is growing and soon they may have a bankruptcy of faith. My thought Dragon
The rise and fall of the Jehovah's Witness faith
by kenpodragon 14 Replies latest jw friends
I think that the freedom that people have in the U.S. can be a double-edged sword. The freedom that American citizens have is really unprecedented in history. I think that is why cultish, high-control religions like JW flourish in the U.S. Some people need heavy-handed, authoritarian rulers to surrender their will to. And since the U.S. gov't (in general) is not heavy-handed and authoritarian, people who need this sort of power to dominate their lives must look elsewhere.
Eric Hoffer puts it better than I ever could:
"To the frustrated, freedom from responsibility is more attractive than freedom from restraint. They are eager to barter their independence for relief from the burdens of willing, deciding and being responsible for inevitable failure. They willingly abdicate the directing of their lives to those who want to plan, command and shoulder all responsibility."
Ken - I have a feeling the JW's will see this as a sign that the world is turning on them, along with "false christianity". I will never for the life of me see how they can not see the "blood" on their own hands. Even as the accusations are being flung, they just believe that the accusers are just doing Satans bidding. Based on your own personal experience with your in-laws, I don't see the org. "going down". Perhaps some will leave as in 1975 & 1984, but for the most part I see most clinging even further to the JW's, putting their trust in "Jah". In a way, I see it having a more negative effect on the most brainwashed dubs. I doubt there will be a "bankruptcy" but I'm sure there will be a decrease in profits, for a time.
You always have a core group of people that will sink with the ship, thinking the holes will patch themselves and they will sail away unharmed. In the end though, the ship does sink and they do drown. For the most part, I think fewer and fewer Witnesses are in the core group anymore. From what I have seen, a large percentage are just hanging onto the fringe and hoping that is enough to get them into the New System. When things get shaky and uncertain, they fly off quickly.
My added thought
It is good that jws are hearing it over and over about the child abuse issue. One can only hope that it will get through all the brain-washing and they will see things as they really are.
Nice post, Hempy.
I really can't explain why I am going to say what I'm about to say, but here goes.
Most of us on this forum are "out" of the borg, or thinking about how we can get out. This goes for a few other web sites as well. We are really promoting the freedom to speak about our experiences and why the borg is harmful. The SilentLambs have spoken and the outcry continues. Other issues involving the WTBTS has been brought into the news. We are serving a purpose.
They cannot stay hidden. Isn't it so odd that a religion that goes from door to door, is so close minded when it comes to internal affairs, that most of us don't even learn about until we have been baptised? And, so there is much hidden behind the cloak of "religion" in the world.
I believe perhaps the WTBTS will be used in order to fulfil one of the prophesies they themselves speak so much about. That is the destruction or downfall of christendom, or world religions. They are going to fall, and they will not go down alone. They will make certain that with their demise, all other religions will have to face the same end. Is this really the underlying purpose for them in some grand cosmic plan?
I see the world of humanity spiral into sudden, overwhelming change. There have always been religions dominating the core of our human existence, and these religions have been the central focus for world control and domination. But, we have created these religions ourselves out of a need to be guided. In our ignorance, we did not know that we did not need to make gods for ourselves.
Once we are cleansed, then the true teachers will make themselves known to us, and we will learn many new and wonderful things about the plans for this earth and the universe. We will be enlightened. This will happen to individuals who are JW's, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, etc., all religions. It doesn't matter.
One thing is certain, we are headed for change. I think it will be a most positive and wonderful thing.
kenpodragon said:
So I wonder now with all this happening. We all know the history of the rise of the Jehovah's Witnesses, are we living the history of the fall? Only time will tell. Because just like the power scandals, the people know the real truth and they are doing something about it. There growth is slowing, their frustration is growing and soon they may have a bankruptcy of faith.
I doubt it because, the catholic church has been in the news with sex scandals since I was a child and they are still going strong. Look at all the churches that supposedly fell in the 80s from sex scandals. The only punishment they received (not including Baker) was replacement by another preacher. Most of those religions are still going strong.
I bet the witnesses will sit back and ride it out. You know how the public can be; no matter how scandalous the news we always get tried of it and want to hear new scandals.
I just have a feeling they are still going to interrupt my SpiderMan & X-Men cartoons on saturday mornings.
Peace James.
Edited by - monster on 21 September 2002 19:55:49
I heard something interesting on the religious news update. The latest survey indicates that pretty much all-religious sects are dropping in members except the evangelical churches such as Mormons etc. They are on the rise in popularity. The summary of this study indicates that the majority of people around the world are looking for, or are at least joining, more restrictive and demanding religions. Then it was left open after that for anyone interested to form his or her own opinion as to why.
I thought it was interesting anyway. I expected the opposite
I doubt it because, the catholic church has been in the news with sex scandals since I was a child and they are still going strong. Look at all the churches that supposedly fell in the 80s from sex scandals. The only punishment they received (not including Baker) was replacement by another preacher. Most of those religions are still going strong.
I bet the witnesses will sit back and ride it out. You know how the public can be; no matter how scandalous the news we always get tried of it and want to hear new scandals.
i agree, what we are seeing really is the nature of a belief system, as you mentioned take the catholic church, man they used to kill folks, yet they have hung on for over 2000yrs and they ain;t going nowhere-
same with jw- they are not going anywhere, change a few dogmas, call it new light and in a few years a new crop of members are in and they are on their way, if jw of the 30's and 40's could see the org today they would not reconize it, same in about 25 yrs it will continue to evolve like all belief systems
religion sells the most important product that man needs HOPE AND as long as man has a need for hope there will be some belief system out there selling it.