I tryed to post yesterday, but I had reached my thread limit, so here is what we have learned since Thursday.
Jan is diabetic. She always feared this, since it runs in her family, and she has tried to be careful with her diet. Her younger sister was diabetic from an early age, abused herself diet wise, and sadly, she died two years ago.
Today, she got a breakfast and lunch that did not fit the dietary plan. I had to go to the nurses station in the afternoon to get the computer file updated. Dinner was also the wrong meal. Fortunately, a nurse finally got the thing straigtened out.
Jan is making progress, but it is slow. Her left side is weak. She can move her left arm at the shoulder and elbow. She can move her fingers, but when she grabs something, she has trouble releasing it. She can walk with some help, but when she is sitting she has trouble getting her left leg to do what she wants.
Yesterday, the nurse told us that she had a crying spell early in the morning. When my oldest daughter and I were with her, she had another one, and said, "I am so scared." We, of course, tryed to reassure her, and I think we helped. Today, she seemed to be in good spirits through our entire visit.
Yesterday, the whole family showed up, eight of us. Even though there are only supposed to be 2 visitors at a time, they let the whole tribe in. The most touching moment was when my grand daughter got in bed with Jan to comfort her. Later my grand daughter played a tune on the violin. She has only had three lessons, but loves it practices a lot, and did a very well indeed.
Today, my son got a good idea. He asked the nurse if we could get a wheel chair and take Jan outside. We took her to an outside balcony on her floor that over looks the city. She loved being out in the fresh air and sunshine.
For those that called and sent flowers, thank you so very, very much. That means a lot to both of us. By Monday, she should be getting cards. That will be another boost for her.
Jan was concerned about the quality of care she is getting. I did a search this evening and found out that out of 205 major hospitals, our hospital is in the top 20% in neourology. I think that will be a comfort to her, when I tell her tomorrow.
Folks have asked how I am doing. I was very upset and concerned the first day. I have felt better thereafter. I think Jan's attitude and the quality of care she is getting are very postive for a good out come. I did not eat in three days and finally ate this afternoon. I am getting enough sleep, but I am very tired at the end of the day.
Thanks again, for all your expressions of concern. My son-in-law is going to print them out tomorrow so Jan can read your many kind comments.