Day four for Jan (Zazu)

by larc 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    Thanks for keeping us updated Carl

    Great to hear she is improving. Like Red, when I spoke with her was surprised that her speech was so clear - which is great and very hopeful.

    I mailed a card to her, but sent it to your home in case she was out by the time it gets there.

    Please tell her that we are thinking of her and love her. I will call her again soon if thats ok.

    Keep looking after yourself too.

    ((((((Carl & Jan))))))


  • larc


    Please call Jan any time you want to. She loves you and always enjoys communicating with you. You are one of the people that cheers her up.

    A call from you is therapy for her.

  • larc


    Your post really touched me. Thank you so much for the very kind words.

  • waiting


    I'm soooo glad you FINALLY took some time & food for yourself! Jan would fuss at you if she realized what you'd done. Gotta keep your health up yourself.......senses of humor suffer when hungry. ......and Jan (and us) need your sense of humor.

    Thank you so much for letting us know how Jan's health is improving. I'm sure you have access to much information about strokes & aftermaths.

    My husband & I are both left-handed, - thanks for the info! He always just tells people he married a left-hander so we wouldn't poke elbows in a restaurant. Men.

    Please give Jan a BIG HUG from all of and Jan ARE family to us. Hope her continued recovery is a dramatically good as these first days.


  • patio34

    Hi Larc,

    So glad you let us know the update on Jan--thanks! When I spoke to her yesterday, I was likewise happy to hear how well she sounds. Let's hope her recovery is complete!

    I'm left-handed also, like Waiting. It does seem to be an asset sometimes. Like after you suffer a stroke.

    Left-handers are the only ones in their right art teacher used to say.

    I'm sending out a card today, so it should get there Wednesday or Thursday.



  • outnfree
    Hey, Jan is a strong woman. She has to be to put up with a guy like me. I think her prognosis is favorable.


    That was my impression during my very brief phone call with her (dietician was expected momentarily!). She was scared and upset, but very direct and strong-sounding. I think she will attack physical therapy with a vengeance when given the opportunity! Like my father-in-law, she seems the type who will waste no time proving that the doctors and therapists expect too little of their stroke patients!

    Going outside on the balcony with her was pure genius!

    I am very alarmed to hear that you did not eat for days! That is VERY bad!!!!! Shame on you for acting in a way that would cause Jan more upset (and has caused us upset) if she knew! Thank goodness you've come to your senses!

    My love to both of you,


    (who regrets not meeting Zazu in person last month and who feels free to openly nag you because I did meet YOU last month! )

  • ugg

    thinking of you both....crying and personality change are possible after a stroke....hang in there...

    she sounds like improvement is coming,,,even if it is slow...SENDING YOU BOTH REAL BIG HUGS

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hi Larc, That's good news that she is progressing quickly towards recovery. Tink and I sent you an e-mail. Let us no where we can send a card, when you get a chance send us a quick e-mail. You'll continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Give Jan a hug from Tink and I.

    ((((((((((Carl and Jan))))))))))


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife


    Thank you so much for the detailed update!! When I spoke to Jan the other day, I too was very surprised at the strength and clarity of her voice.

    She told me she was going to have another MRI, and was pretty petrified. I hope it wasn't as awful as she thought. She mentioned they were going to tranquilize her.

    Thinker and I certainly have thought about all of you each and every day!! You need to eat more regularly friend. You must keep up your strength. Hug and kiss Jan voraciously for both Thinker and I.

    Sending out a card tomorrow.

    Love to all of you,

    Thinker and TW

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