How to get JWs to listen and REALLY think about TTATT...

by C0ntr013r 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    You could try this;

    You: "The forgiveness of our sins - thanks to Christ's sacrifice - reconciles us to God?"

    J.W. "Yes." (John 1:29; 2 Corinthians 5:19)

    You: "Isn't it wonderful that all those who never heard about Jesus, automatically have their sins wiped out just by dying themselves?" (Romans 6:7; pe chap. 21 p. 175 par. 3; WT May 15th 1982, pp. 8,9; Bible Teach?" p.214, par. 3)

    J.W. Eyes glaze over, stutters, shutters come down & the "Hans Christian Andersen" persona takes over!

  • C0ntr013r
    The Searcher

    This is similar, but I had more luck getting them to say/think the words themselves. Instead of me saying:

    "Isn't it wonderful that JWs do this......"

    I ask them questions so they themselves say the words or think them. And hopefully they come to the conclusion.

    My goal with this method is to avoid confrontation (I started using it on JWs who get very angry and defensive when you say something against the ORG). I think putting it as bluntly as you do here might result in the very thing I am trying to avoid, it will probably work on some thou.

    A variation I might use would be something along the lines of:

    Me: I was thinking about my grandmother, she died without becoming a JW or learning about the true Jesus, that means she will get a second chance, I will probably see her again?

    JW: We don't know how Jehovah will judge, but if she did not sin against the holy spirit we will see her at the resurrection.

    Me: Yeah... It is wonderful that Jehovah has a door open into paradise, that you can get your sins wiped without having to believe in Jesus, so my grandmother can get a fair chance at everlasting life.

    JW: Yes. Well, she will have to learn about Jesus and Jehovah in the new world instead....

    Me: That is so great. When she is in paradise and sees everything God has done she will have no option but to believe.

    JW: ..... Jehovah gives everyone a fair chance.....

    Me: Yeah, I know. Especially my grandmother, what could be better than to see the paradise with your own eyes. No faith required!

    JW: No, I meant. Everyone will get a fair chance even if it doesn't look that way....

    Me: Of course it is fair! Those who endure all the suffering of dying deserve living in paradise for almost 100 years learning about Jehovah (Isaiah 65:20).

    JW: Um... At Armageddon... Those people will also die...

    Me: Yeah, you're right...

    *JW change the subject?*

    Made it up, so I am not sure if it would play out like this. Might be holes in my reasoning or ways for the JW to get out of it? :P

  • zeb

    I realized that by trying to convince others I was wasting the life I have left so I never have attempted to be a witness in reverse.

    My love to you all.

  • Phizzy

    In the early days of leaving I made a number of attempts to explain TTATT and to wake up family members and other JW's. All fruitless, and some attempts brought aggravation, in the form of Elders visits.

    I am now with Zeb, anyone who is still in deserves to waste their lives thus.

    If anyone came to me for help though, I would be there for them.

    But I can't be arsed to try to prise open the closed JW brain anymore.

  • C0ntr013r

    "I am now with Zeb, anyone who is still in deserves to waste their lives thus."

    That is harsh... "You where indoctrinated from birth, hence you deserve to be in a cult for the rest of your life"

    If you don't think it works or can't be bothered, that is one thing. But to say they deserve what they get if they can't wake up on their own or if it takes many years...

    I don't agree with that.

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