The Veiled Killing of Our Youth

by IslandWoman 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • IslandWoman

    Twisted Metal Black rated "M" is a PS2 game which promotes torture in all it's forms.

    In one of the "stories" in that game a sadistic plastic surgeon removes the eyes and tongue of his patient and sews his eyelids and mouth closed. Before starting his mutilation the surgeon starts to play a piece of music: Pagliacci's, Vesti la giubba. The music plays while the mutilation is completed. The man mutilated by the surgeon is recruited by someone who gathers people, who for one reason or another have been terribly tortured, in order to use them for his own purposes.

    Sony and all of us know that these games though rated "M" are being played by many teenagers under the age of 17. Sony makes millions not by raping our children physically but mentally. Sony is trashing our children. Yes, I know, parents should be aware of what their children are doing, but really we all live together in this world and all of us should be aware of what is good or bad for our young people, including Sony!


  • IronGland

    So? Play the entire game.

  • teejay

    The Taliban would agree with you, IW. Seriously. Without meaning to sound ultra-conservative, there are things that are definitely wrong with this country. Freedom of speech / choice has a very definite dark side and is not a perfect principle on which to run a country. (It's the best *I've* seen, though.)

    Once upon a time I played video games and became a master at Pac Man, Ms Pac Man, and Robotron -- games that are at least a Grand Canyon away from the game you've described. (By "master" I mean I could put a quarter in and play for an hour... FIVE hours if I wanted. I mean, I could keep playing on that quarter w/out ever losing. Cheap entertainment, huh?)

    Do YOU think that playing games like the one you spoke of makes a deep enough impression on kids who play them that it alters their perspective and/or behavior? I wonder. I would imagine that kids that have no real-life source in their lives that counter balanced what they saw on such games would lose a certain amount of sensitivity, especially if they played them long enough and got good enough to master them like I did with Pac Man.

  • Stephanus

    IW: Censor your own family's activities, and we'll take care of ours as we see fit, too. Okay?

  • joannadandy

    Try reading the Iliad if you want gore and entrails. There are shocking things all over the place. Would you let your kid surf the net by themelves? They could come across REAL pictures of mutilation. How about Comic Books? Some of them are pretty graphic, you want to shut them down too? How about art? If you sanction Sony it is just the begining of things you could find degrading and disgusting.

    Am I condoning this game, of course not. I would never play it, nor allow anyone in my family to. You lay the blame on Sony. Sony is making a buck--is that wrong? Nope it's capitalism. You can argue that it is morally wrong to market such games to children, but you cannot argue that Sony does not have the right to manufacture such a game. Apparantly they see a market for this. The blame and issue lays with parents. Take some responsibility for what your kids do and turn off the freaking video games all together if you are so concerned.

  • jelly

    I know what the next PSII game I buy is going to be.


  • Satanus

    I sometimes wonder if violent games and tv violence doesn't actually tone down the internal violence that kids feel, by providing an outlet.

    SS of the devil's advocate class

  • funkyderek

    Let's boycott all Sony products and any shop that sells Sony products and any medium that advertises Sony products. That'll show 'em!

  • Valis

    Let's not forget one of the most violent reads around...which would be the bible. ..the old testament and new testaments are full of hateful references and lots of death...definitely not for the eyes of most good folks. *LOL* The following site has a huge list of hateful references in the bible...I'm not endorsing any underlying message the author may be trying to support, but there is no use in reinventing the wheel either...


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 1 October 2002 13:26:43

  • IslandWoman

    I found the responses to this thread very interesting for the following reasons:

    1. I did not call for censorship or the banning of this game, yet many defensively thought I did simply because I criticized Sony for producing it.

    2. No one who commented claimed to have played the game, don't be so quick to dismiss my points then.

    3. Children are nurtured by a community, not just a family but a community. To ignore this is to live with our heads in the sand.

    Thanks for the comments.


    Edited by - IslandWoman on 6 October 2002 23:22:11

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