"Jehovah will sort it out"

by Duncan 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    I think its the sheer laziness on their part - it would be too difficult a task to straighten out their brain patterns on anything & they don't have enought WT material laying around to sort it all out for themselves. One thing I've learned, you very rarely can find a JW that can sit down & have a real discussion with you without any "study" aids. Any questions directed, they have to get back to ya, and they do, equipped with a bunch of WT publications.

    They don't really understand the "bible", they don't really understand "God" and they don't really understand themselves. What else can they do but let Jah sort it out for them?

  • hillary_step


    I have been thinking about this issue the past few days. I noted on another post recently how I had chosen a careful moment to discuss the Panorama program with a JW, who has served in various Bethel's at a very senior level for over forty years. Despite the fact that he has seen the soft-underbelly of the WTS in all its devious nuances, he is in almost total denial about the issue.

    His initial reaction is one that I have commonly encountered with loyal JW's dealing with this issue. 'How do you know it is all true?". As I further encouraged him to check the public record on the matter, his response became angry, culminating with him virtually exploding, "I believe the Bible above Panorama any-day!". I suggested to him that perhaps he should believe his Bible above the WTS, which I admit was a poor reaction on my part and certainly did nothing for the mood of the evening.

    It struck me that these people use slogans as a sort of pacifier. When a child wakes up, a pacifier stops the screaming and allows all around to live a quieter life. The WTS has filled the heads of its adherents with the slogans of pacification, so that when an issue becomes 'loud' the pacifying slogans get pushed into mouths and a sort of nervous peace reigns.

    I also agree entirely with this statement:

    But what intrigues me, and what I find significant, is that among witnesses of my acquaintance, how readily they will accept the idea, once suggested to them that... "...perhaps this IS Jehovah sorting it all out, in his due time "

    It seems to fit the pattern of 'healthful' slogans that the GB are so fond of. The WTS acknowledge that God disciplines his people, the problem is that it is always a retrospective action. They cannot countenance the idea that their God might be disciplining them today, it must happen in yesterday lest the grass-root JW acknowledges that he might be able to start thinking for himself, a sin of course, much more serious in God's eyes than sexually abusing five year olds.

    Yet, again the WTS has been caught napping, because in the primal theological soup that makes up the thinking process of many JWs a faint light is beginning to shine. This real 'flash of light' will give birth in time to a new species of Jehovahs Witness, one who no longer needs a slogan to survive through life, one who views creativity and initiative as a friend, not an enemy.

    Until then, cheers my good friend.


    Edited by - hillary_step on 23 September 2002 15:32:40

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Jehovah's CHOSEN EARTHLY ORGANIZATION to "FIX" (bring down) the Watchtower Society is the silentlambs!

  • Mary

    Jehovah will sort it out? What do they expect? That Jehovah will fly down from heaven with a flaming sword and stick it up the pedophiles' ass?

    Perhaps Jehovah IS sorting it out: it's being all brought out in the open and not only are pedophiles being exposed, so are the Feckless and InDiscreet Slave Class for their lying, hypocritical, disgusting behavior.

  • TTBoy

    AMEN Mary!

    bt my post

  • blondie

    Working with people in abuse cases outside the WTS organization, I see very strong denial in families and communities. This same dynamic is present in alcoholic families as well.

    The reason for that is if this person sees that all this is true then they have to DO something that is painful, embarrassing. That will lose status in their group and perhaps suffer monetarily. Better to pretend it never happened. Family members many times pressure the victim to recant. HS said the person he talked to refused to check out the facts of the situation. This is very typical.

    What finally moves some people is the mountain of evidence and proof that can't be avoided. Being forced to feel the results of their own actions and/or the suffering of those being hurt can move some to finally take a heroic action.

    I applaud anyone who has stood up on the side of a victim or has been a victim that says "this is enough."

    Even if the community or family is not changed, that individual can be saved or helped.

  • songmistress

    "Jehovah will sort it out", reminds me of this story:

    Remember the story of the guy who died in the flood? A Red Cross boat had come by earlier when the water was above the window sills, but the fellow refused rescue saying, "The Lord will save me." A second boat came when the water was to the eaves and the man was hanging from the gutters. But again he refused rescue. "The Lord will save me," he declared. Scrambling onto his roof ahead of the everrising waters the man spied a helicopter heading his way. A rope was lowered from the copter, but the obstinate guy batted it away and shouted over the din of the rotors, "The Lord will save me." Of course he drowned. He arrived at Heavens throne perplexed, hurt, angry, and dripping wet. "Why," he shouted at God, "didnt you save me?" "Give me a break," sighed the Lord God Almighty. "I sent two boats and a helicopter."

    Don't know where this is from so I can't give credit, but will if someone recognizes it.

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