Awake of 10-8-02 brings out a number of things that good Christians would avoid due to God's view of how precious a gift , life is. Here's some of the things on the list....No bullfighting, no running of the bulls,no motorcycle stuntmen, no climbing of skyscrapers without safety equipment, no steep snowboarding,bungee jumping,parachuting from airplanes with another strapped to you, no climbing ice-covered cliffs, no sky surfing,no BASE jumping, no rock climbing,no car-surfing,no climbing Mt. Everest, no thrill-seeking.....Any that do such things show contempt for the marvelous gift of life......Did I forget anything else???
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
But they can still do oral right? I mean if they can't do oral I'm DAing myself tonight.
Big Tex
Statisically speaking, driving a car is far more dangerous than any of those activities. More people are injured or die through auto accidents than any exotic daredevil activity. So I guess JWs shouldn't drive to work anymore!
parachuting from airplanes with another strapped to you
So does that mean static line jumping is OK?
Also, are the rules retroactive (like the way they got Ray Franz for "eating with a DF person")? If so, a couple of my old JW friends will be joining us here soon.
I agree with Big Tex's comments about the dangers of automobiles. Interesting that JWs don't avoid cars completely, since they make such a big deal about the "protection from harm" they enjoy from the "no blood" rule. Statistically, there are more dangers from cars. Come to think of it, there are more dangers from not accepting a blood transfusion when you need one.
So what is more dangerous?
Field Service in a bad neighborhood or parachuting from an airplane with another strapped to you?
Going to a District Convention outdoors in 100 degree temperature shows a lack of appreciation for life and good health. Riding a motorcycle should be a no-no.
Don't panic! The oral thing is still considered a matter of conscience, I think, unless it has to do with rape, in which case you scream... or maybe you don't scream...
Damn! I'm confused on that one too. Just to be on the safe side don't do it with your partner while skydiving strapped together. Okay?
Brown recently had something to say about Oral:
"Brown said Witnesses believe that sexual activity between men and women should "follow the normal course" of things. "We feel that oral or anal intercourse would go beyond that."
Peace and Security - LL
There you go LB. Only normal sex. I think that means that oral and anal are okay because normally everybody does it.
Thanks for clearing that one up, J.R.
Edited by - Swan on 23 September 2002 23:18:7
What about isolating yourself from anything that is to be considered normal aside from what a minority of self-righteous, bigoted few say?
Is it not detrimental to one's health to continually strive to change the real person into something somebody else deems it necessary to be?....Putting on the new personality? Continue putting up with one another? etc, etc!