anyone here ever been a practicing amish ? I always wondered what life was like in the amish community.Any help would be appreciated.I did see the witness movie with harrison ford and thought it was a good movie ,but was it in anyway realistic? Inquiring minds wanna know.
A is for Amish
by heathen 22 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Heathen,
What do you want to do....join the Amish? lol I live in PA and just a few miles from away from me is Amish Country aka Pennsylvania Dutch. They are in Lancaster, PA to be exact. I know that they practice shunning and have required dress standards which are very outdated to give the 'appearance of modesty.' I see the dress code as back firing in a way because they look like they look like they are dressed up for Halloween as the wild west or something. The men all seem to have these big beards. In a farmer's market nearby, they sell produce and meats and services, etc. The customers are us "heathens". They seem rather stand-off-ish with yes or no answers when spoken to. They are not supposed to have electric in their homes and do not drive cars, they have horse drawn buggies which are a real nuisance on the roads. I've always wondered why it is ok to use the refrigeration and electric lights to sell their products if they are opposed to electricity?? There is a lot of info about them on the web. Hope this helps. dj
That's funny DJ...I can just see heathen as one Amish of the Amish...he might stick out like a sore thumb at the next Apostafest though...*LOL*
District Overbeer
Thanks for the info DJ, yes that does sound strange if they can't have electricity at home how come they are alright in town ?How about public preaching work ? Do they ever feel compelled to try and convert others? From what I understand they have their women make their clothing but exactly where they get materials and such I don't know ,I assume they barter with wholesalers or something ? I also saw something on barn raising that they do this as a community project much like the jw, so it would seem we have another religion that uses volunteer labor.Stuff like fundamental beliefs and oddities or how the public reacts to their presence is a good start . Valis - If I find a second hand thrift store with some Amish clothing I will buy it and be sure to grow the beard without the mustache ,just to see the look on everyones face at the Afest .lol And yeah what's the deal with no mustache?[:?]
For heathen...I can't wait for you to pull up and park your buggy in the back yard...I'll have to make sure to get some feed and hay for the horses..although I won't be able to let you drink and drive the buggy after too much spiritual food...eheheh *LOL*
Here's a good start for your Amish investigation..
District Overbeer
ROTFLMAO @ valis. I would love to have a horse and buggy actually.Those guys that work the west end probly make a fortune .Also chicks dig horses ,forget the farrari and porche ,get the horse and buggy thing going .Sometime you're going to have to show me how to get that window in the window thing working.
I'm not amish, LOL I wouldn't mind having a horse and buggy myself but only the rich folk around here have those aminities.
I wanted to tell you I got your mail but when I tried to return a message it was intercepted by the postal admin (or demon) and kicked back.
Also go to:
You will learn a lot about the amish live in the first half in this on line book, and you will learn about their abuse problems in the second half. There are twenty five chapters there, but you can stop reading at any time, and go back later to where you left off.
Edited by - larc on 24 September 2002 16:13:54
Edited by - larc on 24 September 2002 16:16:17
I can't make this a clickable above and somone fix this.
Gotcha covered