I just returned from the Library and ipcked up a (nf) book called "Crossing Over-One Woman's Exodus from Amish Life", written by Ruth Irene Garrett. VERY VERY interesting......so much so that I don't want to put it down! Here is what the jacket has to say about the book:
Ruth Irene Garrett's compelling story represents a unique insight into the inner workings of the Amish from someone who has lived among them. As such, it portrays a different view than the publicly held warm and fuzzy notion that the Amish way of life is forever pristine, eternally free from strife.
Ms. Garrett's story is also a story of spiritual triumph. In essence, she is suggesting that no institution comes before the words of the Scriptures, and that no man-or woman-be allowed to serve as judge and jury when it comes to matters of faith.
Irene Garrett is a woman who was oppressed in ways that most of us cannot fathom in this day and age of independence. She serves as inspiration to other woman trapped in cycles of abuse or control.
And finally, her fresh and sometime humorous perspective on modern day life demonstrates how many things we take for granted.