Twister! What Would You Do?

by Swan 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    Last week there was an F3 tornado that occurred in the vicinity of my brother's home in Bloomington, Indiana. All weekend long and for the first part of this week I have waited to see if anyone would call and let me know they are okay. Last month my 18 year old niece died in a car accident in Bloomington. Someone from the family did call me about that.

    The tornado touched down in Ellettsville according to the newspaper, and it traveled northeast through Martinsville, Indianapolis, and Anderson, where it dispersed. My brother's house is halfway between Bloomington and Ellettsville. There were no reported deaths. The odds are that they are okay, but the newspaper didn't say exactly which 60 homes and buildings were destroyed.

    They haven't called me, but do you think it is okay for me to call them and see if they are okay? Wouldn't it be an appropriate way to show my concern? I don't want to offend them by calling too soon after their duaghter died, but somehow a tornado seems like it could be construed as family business, don't you think? I'm still a bit emotional on this subject since it is so close to my nieces death, so I value your cooler heads and your detached perspective on this.

    Thanks in advance.


  • DakotaRed

    Tammy, if you are at all concerned, then definitely call. It's never too soon.

    Lew W

  • Wolfgirl

    I would call them. Despite what JWs say, it's what a loving family member would do.

  • pettygrudger

    Tammy - of course you should call them if you want!!!! They df'd you - you didn't df them. You call whenever you want, but realize the pain that could come with any of the typical rejection bull.

    I call my own mom at least once a month, just to let her know I still love her, and its been 17 years. Every once in awhile she actually will speak for a few moments, at least about others in the family. Most times, I end up crying, but thats okay. It means I still feel, that I'm alive and okay, unlike my own mother who will go to her grave with nothing but sadness & loss.

  • Celtic

    Do definitely give them a call straightaway at least to allay your own fears. You are still family whatever and you have a right to know the situation at hand. Sorry to hear about your neice.

    Kindest regards and best wishes.

    Celtic Mark / Cornwall UK

  • butalbee

    CALL them up right now. It's never too soon to show someone that you care about them, esp. family.

  • Amazing

    Hi: You didn't say it, but I presume when you speak of 'family business' that you are DF'd and they are JWs? I would still call and ask if they are okay. As long as they accept and appreciate your calls, even under the limited JW rules ... it is good to keep the lines of communication open ... one day if they leave the religion, then they will see you are someone who was always there for them.

    I don't know if you live in the midwest ... but tornados are very unpredictable ... and F5 can blow through and miss everyone and everything ... and an F2 or F3 can go down main street creating all kinds of mayhem. It is a perfect reason to call your family. If they argue that they would have called if there was a problem ... you can always counter that you weren't sure of the tornado might have destroyed phone and power lines ... so you called to be sure because you love and care for them.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Oh shoot I thought you were talking about the game. :)

  • Swan

    Thanks for the advice. It helped me to get up the courage. I'm gunna do it right now. Wish me luck!


  • Swan


    Nobody home. This could be their meeting night. I'll try again later, but at least I tried.


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