Will my JW wife and son get into trouble for this?

by dmouse 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shutterbug

    You may wish to ask your son to log onto the below mentioned web site. The stories contained there will give your son plenty of reasons to stay away from the KH.


  • dmouse

    Well blow me!

    Benjamin just came home from school with four certificates. One for attainment in Religious Education (LOL)! The other two are grade five level (with honours) in acting and improvisation from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

    I know about the gay possibility Explorer, and I've talked to Benjamin about it in a calm and frank way. I've told him that whatever sexual orientation he is doesn't matter to me, I'll always love him. However he assures me that he has no gay inclinations. And I believe him.

  • imanaliento

    i'm glad your wife stepped up and won't let your son alone with them. parents are responsible for

    their children and should be with them in that situation. your son sounds like a bright young man.

    mine at 14 started questioning what what being said. he and his father would pass notes back and forth to each other during meetings, so much so that i gave up my seat next to hubby so they could sit next to each other.

    his first question that i remember was the about "first rainbow-as written as such in the childrens bible story book" his dad told him to ask an elder,--elder said-- well maybe there was only a mist appearing , or it rained at night. 14 year old-- but Jehovahs law of physics was already in place so it couldn't be the first rainbow. elder squirming to get away and changing subject and held a bit of a grudge after that.

    we left within months of seeing one printing error after another and of course reading Ray's books.

  • sunshineToo
    He has very strong opinions and an uncrushable resolve to make the best of his life. He loves singing, dancing and acting and is trying his best to develop these talents in order to fulfil his dream of working in the performing arts eventually. This has not gone down well with his Mum, or the elders. It was arranged for him to have weekly bible studies with an elder...who tried his best to re-inculcate my son and persuade him to abandon his love of performing arts.

    Ah, this brings back to me a memory when I was studying with jws. They tried to have me give up my career as a pianist. When I received good complements from people, esp. from one of the very prominent piano teachers in the country, they told me "not to get puffed up with a sugar coated comments."

    The irony is that this jw sister later quit her pioneering, and pursued "a worldly career."

    dmouse, keep supporting your son. You are his father, and have a right to be present when they want to have a private meeting with your son since he's minor.

  • sunshineToo

    Dear Explorer,

    You have said:

    Dear Benjamin's father :

    I am sorry to know about your kid troubles, and guess things will not be O.K. with the elders too. Hope you don't get upset about my comment but being depresssed and suicidal at 13, with the loving singing, dancing and acting, sounds like a very strong GAY pattern to me. Of course I might be wrong, but, if you want to help him, DO NOT disregard this posible situation, the best possible way according to your convictions and values.

    Are you saying every entertainer is gay?

    Come on~ I got depressed when I was a teenager because I couldn't get the music education as freely as I wanted, and I loved and still love performing music. But I do know that I'm not a gay/lesbian.

    It seems like dmouse's son is going through what I went through years ago. I've seen gay people who are doctors, lawyers, and etc.

  • Valis

    Greetings dmouse. Just thought I would give you some support and another perspective. My family is full of artists, but very little of that ability has ever been able to shine through because of JWland. My uncle had the cellist beaten out of him as a kid by his JW molester dad. My aunt has been to mentally fucked up to ever persue her art in an apporpriate way because of the same JW molester dad...my mother nenver went to art school, but instead decided to start a good little JW family and life, my sister never persued her acting career because of no support from my parents, and I had no support in the acting or artwork I ever was into. How does any of this matter to you? Well my friend I would offer you the analogy of the vampire and the victim...only so much life can be sucked out of the victim before death is at hand...in your son's situation he is surrounded by spiritual vampires that are sucking the creativity and life right out of him. He already has shown the propensity for depression and suicide. If you allow the JWs to remove his creative outlet I guarantee that both of you will be in for moe therapy and counseling...or and this may sound ugly, but you will have a dead son. Tell him he doesn't have to go to the meeting with the elders if he doesn't want to and you will back him up...VERY IMPORTANT for you to do. Just because he agreed to go to meetings doesn't mean he agreed to be pushed around by those dipfucks (farkelism for effect). You need to tell your wife the same. Sorry to be so blunt and posite such a grim view, but we are engaged in their theocratic war right? Best of luck and tell your son there are people all over the world that feel for him and that are cheering for him no matter what he wants to do with his life.


    District Overbeer

  • mustang

    HS is right. So, for the near future, your sons meeting attendance (if any), should be SPORADIC. He should especially avoid the TMS/SM!!! The Sunday meetings are PUBLIC, so go to those to 'keep peace' in the family. Book Studies could be another confrontational area, though. Skip some of those, too. Keep the beep-beeps guessing about him.


  • LyinEyes

    That was the right thing for mom to do !!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry they are putting this pressure on your son, they make me sick ,they have nothing better to do than make life misserable for a kid.

    Go kick their asses!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J/K ( well maybe a little serious there)

    If it is effecting your son that much , to the point of wanting to end his life ,like it did before, I would yank him out of that religion so fast , they would see nothing but his dust.

    I know that is not easy, it would cause trouble with the wife, and all, but does your son want to be a witness ? I got from your post he does not and only goes for his mother.

    I would sit down and ask him what he wanted to do.That is what we did with our son, who was 14 when we left, I even told him I would still go to meeting with him if he really wanted to stay. He said Hell no!!!!!!!! It was easy we all hated and left together.

    My son was all of the things your son was so active and had privledges in our small congregation, and when left it took them a year to even ask me how he was. So much care and love you know. He knows that and it just proved to him that they are not right and wants nothing to do with it.

    I am glad my husband and I agree on our choice about the hall. But he told me he would never let any of his kids be munipulated ever again by another religion if I saw the need to go to church or the hall again. So more or less, he is still the head of our family and is wise enough to not allow anyone to get burned again, so to speak. He said he wouldnt stop me, I am an adult and have to make my choices , but he will not let his kids go thru hell with any religion ever again. Of course I agreed , totally.

    Like I said, my son was alot like yours, he got depressed and had not prospects of what his life would be like, I got very concerned, but he never mentioned ending it all.

    I knew from experience to take that seriously. But I wondered how soon would it be before he felt that way, he was just entering being a teen and things were changing fast for all the other kids in the neighborhood. He felt alone. Thank God we left when we did.

    Now my hub, says if the elders come to our house , they are not allowed to talk to Jake our son alone ever, we are d/a so they would just have to ignore him sitting there I guess.

    That is a rule that will not be broken in our house. Never let them get your son alone, I am glad your wife stood up to them. Maybe it will help her see their evil ways.

    Again, if it means yours sons happiness, and his very life, I would say, you are not going to such a place ever again.

    I mean compare it to getting into a car with a drunk driver, would we let them do that, no way. The risk is too high and the consequences are are the same. We have to protect our kids from so much. And even what some might think as an innocent religion , going to church, ( they had no idea) can be a deadly experience.

    Let us know how Ben is doing, and what is going on. Many thoughts to you and your family, Dede

  • amac

    Bravo for your wife for not sheepishly following the elders in their erroneous ways!!! If you are on speaking terms, make sure you thank her for this.

  • dmouse

    Yeah, bullies always look for easy targets.

    Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts.

    My wife and children have just left for the Thursday meeting. I told Benjamin under no circumstances should he meet alone with the elders. Thankfully I trust my wife to protect him from any browbeating, she isn't totally brain-dead.

    Benjamin will let me know if anything happens, and I will let you folks know.

    If they mess with him there'll be trouble.

    I make the elders nervous anyway after butt-kicking several of them over their beliefs. I remember about five years ago when an elder was coming to visit my wife, Benjamin (about 9 at the time) said 'please don't make elder X cry!'

    I wonder why he said that! I don't think I've ever reduced an elder to actual tears but I know they aren't ever keen to come back.

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