I've been lurking for several months, its my first post here. I am currently an active JW. I have a VERY JW family so I have to be careful. The pedophile scandal was really the catalyst for me to go online and investigate. I thought well if they were wrong about this, what else can they be wrong about? I was broght up as a JW and most of my family are elders, servants, pioneers. Anyway just wanted to say hello to all of you and to let you know how insightful many of your comments have been. My question is do some of you still believe in some of what the JW's teach? I mean some if does make sense (I may get flammed for that) but I am begining to see just how messed up the org is.
Do You Believe Any of "The Truth"?
by XBEHERE 47 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board, X.
Most religions teach at least some things that make some sense. But what may make sense to you may not make sense to someone else.
The difference with the JWs and many "mainstream"religions is that the JWs demand exclusive devotion and loyalty to their teachings. No questions or personal opinions allowed! Plus, if you don't want to be a part of their religion any longer, they will "mark" you.
Actually, the more I research, the more I realize that it would be difficult to find an organization on this planet that is more wrong about more things, than the JWs.
About the only things I still recognize are that:
- when you're dead, you're dead
- there is no hellfire
- as impractical as it is, the world would be a better place if no one went to warUnfortunately, I have arrived at the above conclusions based on reasoning that is completely different from the JWs, so any similarity in belief is purely coincidental.
Really, the distinguishing doctrine of JWs is the imminent apocalyptic end of the world, as calculated through numerology leading to 1914. Once you get past that idea, they are not all that unique. Even the enforced recruitment participation is not totally unique.
My question is do some of you still believe in some of what the JW's teach?
I would go so far as to say perhaps most of us here do, --
Don't steal the 22in rims off the guy ext doors' Ford Expedition
Don't beat Grandma up side the head
Don't shoot they guy's dog next door cause he took a leak on your new 22in rims
and on and on= but this is the problem
as jw we dogged folks who tried to point to a biblical teaching that their faith had that was based on the bible by saying - well yes that is in the bible, but you also teach so and so and that ain't supported by the bible
a true religion WOULD TEACH ONLY DOGMAS that could be suppported by the bible
and that sounded like a pretty good measuring rod, of course until you tried to measure out own faith
and then we would march out the excuses as to why we could get dogmas wrong and other folks couldnot
why other folks disqualifed from being servants of god when they got something wrong' but we didn't
as a jw we were taught and I used to stand before 1000's and say WE CAN SUPPORT FROM THE BIBLE EVERY DOGMA WE TEACH-
we used to say that you can't have some half truths and half false in a religion and still be approved by god-
ye that is what we did, as jw we allowed no room for error in domga
IT WAS ALL OR NOTHING well when the same standard was applied to us we would say
well the brothers meant well- damn the dude who tried to keep the ark from falling meant well, but his butt got Roasted
or my all time favorite, THE LIGHT GOT BRIGHT , jah has directed us to a new understanding
and you might have been able to get away with even that line till one started to think and ponder over that phrasology-
How can we claim that god directed this new understanding on Transplants, etc on sept 1, 2002, when we claimed that he directed old understanding 5 yrs ago
either god don't know what he is doing or the wt got it wrong,
all new light is atttibuted to god, so then what do you do with old light then
as you examine the wt and esp it's history you will see why the wt doesn't want you talking or reading about anything that puts the wt under the microscope
but welcome and my advice to you is READ READ READ READ AS MUCH INFORMATION ON WT AS YOU CAN and then at least you will be able to say
you have an informed choice
I guess you could say I believe in some of the same things. On the most part now that I have been reading the bible on my own...I realise they have twisted alot of the scriptures for their own selfish benifits
I think it's great that you are doing your own research.
Welcome to the board! Thats a really good question. When I left the "truth" a few years ago I disagreed with only a few key teachings (1914, blood, Governing Body & neutrality). But the longer Ive been away, the more "holes" I see in the JW dogma (disfellowshipping, fail predictions, "this generation" and many more). Even on certain beliefs that they are 100% correct on, such as the pagan origins of Halloween, Ive come to this conclusion who are they to dictate what a Christian may or may not celebrate? Over the years they have flip-flopped so many times on several key issues that they have repeatedly shown that they dont have any special insight.
To me it really boils down to this. While a JW might agree with the majority of what the WT is teaching, does he (or she) want to be forced to believe in a certain doctrine that they know is at best- wrong and at worst just a flat-out lie? I, along with many others, have chosen not to live that way.
Just my 2 cents
Mike (aka roybatty)
First of all, welcome to the board. I believe you will find many eye opening things here, that will make you think.
I was wondering at the halls, and general talk among the witnesses, how many have heard about the molesting, and the media attention to it? Is it talked about much? What are they saying? Are they shocked, or making excuses for it?
As far as the belief of any of their teachings, me personally, I have had a hard time with this. I too was brought up as a witness, and never had the chance to learn anything but witness doctrines, so learning anything else was quite weird, to say the least.
I have been to several non denominational churches since, and have become great friends with many who lead a Godly life, by their actions. Many discussions later, over years, I personally have come to grips with the fact that the Watchtower is not the one true religion. Many of their teachings, especially if you study their past teachings, are way out there, and are quite different than what you will experience elsewhere. Another way to be different, as you know, they must be different than all others, must stick out. As much as other "Christian" religions can differ slightly from one to another, they teach many of the same things, the same principles. As much as they are a little different from each other, there is much more unity than I see in some Kingdom Halls.
Long story short, I came to realize that a lot of what the Witnesses teach as far as doctrine, is wrong. The fact is that the whole premise is talking about everyone living on earth forever, and that just clearly is not the case. In my opinion, if the main teaching is false, what about the rest. How about the fact that the bible clearly states that the way is through Jesus, and the Witnesses barely talk about him? It is all about Jehovah.
Anyways, a few ideas to ponder, and once again, welcome to the board.
Thanks for your welcomes and comments. Having seen how bodies of elders operate I really see how messed up the system is. I mean one can say that well Elders are imperfect and God has always used imperfect men in his service. I have usually always believed that but lately I just can not understand how they can allow pedophiles to operate and use the "2 witness" scripture to support it. When I first thought about this I thought of Jesus and how he allowed his apostles to thresh wheat on sabbath and also how he healed on the sabbath even though technically no non-religious things were supposed to be performed according to written law. Jesus' point was that showing love and compassion is more important. In other words the circumstances should be considered before the law is laid down as absolute.
That 2 witness rule does not apply in cases of child molestation period! Under that circumstance, love for the victim should overide what the scripture states just as Jesus eased up while the pharisees would not under certain circumstances. I thought how disgusting that Elders would chose to ignore and send home victims to abusive households because the child was the only witness. The society has recently changed policy so that if more than one victim of a accused molester comes forward, even though they are still the only witnesses to the act of their own molestation, then they can proceed with a judicial hearing. But how does this help if no one else comes forward? Still flawed. As you can see I am deeply disturbed by this issue.
Hello and Welcome,
I appreciate the fact that you have made your first post. I understand your position and the need to be dIscrete. Now, to answer your question. Of course I believed many teachings, and what I didn't understand, I also believed would be answered in due time. I just needed faith. Everything sounded so beautiful, almost magical. To have a purpose in life, to live forever and not have to die. Who wouldn't want to have that kind of promise. I was a very serious student of the bible.
However, the more I began to study, the more I questioned, the more I began to see, that basically, the JW doctrine is based on "Millions Now Living Will Never Die". That's when my mom began studying and when I got baptised. And Armageddon has not come. The JW's predict the dates, and it doesn't come. One minute they say "the light is getting brighter", and then to cover up errors, they say,"well, we must have misunderstood", or one needs to "wait on Jehovah" for proper understanding.
Also, the fact that more and more, the WTBTS has continued to control it's followers by such "unloving" and cruel measures, which I felt that Jesus did not promote in his teachings. They condeme other religions so strongly, and they have their differences such as not celebrating certain events or holidays, which make them stand out. Also, their methods for "disciplining" members is vastly different. When you experience that side of the JW's, you really begin to think about everything, and how cultish and dogmatic they really are. And, yes one is quite shocked. It is a tremendous awakening to the real truth. It hurts the heart. It crushes the spirit to find one has been so misled by a dream.
All in all, I will say now, that as I look back on my experiences, I met lots of sincere people, trying to serve god. I learned how to speak to all kinds of people and to "give a defense" for my faith. I traveled to new areas and had unique experiences. Those are not bad things. But, I also learned that "self" is not important, and that I could not simply live life without great guilt and low self esteem. Women especially suffer within the borg.
The fact that JW's try to fulfill their own prophecies, by making things happen, and then saying "there, see, we told you so". Breaking up marriages and families and friendships is a big controlling factor, and they do this through shunning. The fact that anyone who asks a question "could" be labeled apostate if they aren't careful. Since when is asking a question not appropriate? Their restrictions are most unloving and cultish. To tell followers that they are not free to read other literature, or seek help for mental problems and physical conditions. That some of these doctors might be influenced by Satan. To tell me that I could not get used clothing or goods from consignment shops because demons could have taken up residence there. Fear and guilt. Guilt and fear.
They allow worldly folks to ask all the questions they want. They won't be answered, but they are free to ask. They just plant other images in their heads, such as a paradise earth, and no war. Everyone loving everyone else. Sounds to good to be true, and it is. To be led in by deception is really what happens. Then, once in, once baptised, YOU no longer count.
I found that the JW's so remove themselves from the world, that they live an "unreal" life. They have removed themselves from the world, and yet, is not this world where we live? Where we are meant to coexist with each other. (For god so loved THE WORLD....) For them to make statements to the affect that anyone "worldly" is going to be destroyed in the most horrible ways, is very dogmatic. When I became a young adult, I'd had enough, so I chose not to be associated with such a group of people. It wasn't easy. I lost so much....so very much. They blackmail you emotionally. They make it near to impossible to simply "walk away" from them. Then we we manage to get out, despite everything, they tell the congregations that we are horrible sinners. These are the lies that I cannot tolerate. They tell you we are all apostates. They put the "fear of the borg" in a person.
Please read the many posts here about personal experiences. Some of it will break your heart. But, we're really not on here for a pity party. We paid the price for freedom and we are learning how to live in this world, and we are learning how to truly love one another. We are here to help folks just like you.
I hope you will stick around. You owe it to yourself.
Ecclesiastes 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Ecclesiastes 12:13Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.