I think it would be interesting to know whether or not you believe that the Jews recovery of their homeland (Israel) in the 20th century had anything to do with God? Qualify your answer if you care to.
by Zechariah 13 Replies latest jw friends
I think it would be interesting to know whether or not you believe that the Jews recovery of their homeland (Israel) in the 20th century had anything to do with God? Qualify your answer if you care to.
Personally, I think it has everything to do with the US and UK wanting a 'friendly' country in the Middle East for political reasons and nothing whatsoever to do with God.
My 2p.
Hello Zechariah,
That's an interesting question. If God was behind the Jewish people getting their
homeland back, then I would have to assume that God is still going to use them in
His plans.
You realize that the WTS says that the Jews are not Gods chosen people any longer.
I don't have the references at hand but I'm sure someone can come up with them.
The WTS has said the tearing of the viel within the Temple at the time of Jesus'
crucifiction was a sign that God has stopped using the Jews as His people.
I personally believe that the only way for the Jews to have come back from near total
annialation to settleing in Israel is to have Gods Hand helping them.
I do think that the Jewish Nation is on center stage at this time.
There are many scriptures in the Bible that refer to the Jews being brought back
to their homeland. And there are also scriptures showing that God is allowing non Jews (gentiles)
to be part of His people.
So in answer to your question. Yes. I believe God did bring them back to Israel.
Israel must stop oppressing the palestinians!!
I agree with Simon I think that the resotred Israel has nothing to do with the modern country.
just so you know...
the Jews make up only 2 tribes of Israel. Ben-jah-min and Ju-dah. The other 10 tribes of the sons of Israel were termed "Samaritans." So are you refering to the 'nation' of Israel, or just a part of Israel, the Jews?
Israel is an apartheid state.
As long as the Israelis have their patrons in Washington DC and can get away with any violation of human rights imaginable without raising any concerns in the U.S., there will never be anything resembling peace in the Middle East.
- Jan
The entire middle east is an 'aparthied state' in a sense that they all want only thier little group to control everything. Isreal is no worse are better than the rest of them. The reason the US deals with Isreal is that they tend to be more stable than the rest of the region.
Israel has everything to do with God, consider that the name, Jehovah's Witnesses or Witnesses of Jehovah—however else used—is a scriptural concept. But to whom did the God give this title?
Did God instruct Christians to be witnesses for Jehovah—or witnesses for Jesus?
There is not a single New Testament scripture that calls Christians the witnesses of Jehovah. On the other hand, the New Testament commissions Christians to be the "witnesses of Jesus" (Acts 1:8; Rev. 20:4) and the "ambassadors of Christ" (2 Cor. 5:20). The commission given to Christians by Jesus was that they should be his witnesses in all the world by preaching the Gospel (Matt.24:14).
But the Jewish people witnessed for Jehovah in a different way. It was not because Israel preached God's Word that they were called His "witnesses." Rather, it was because God revealed His glory to others by the miraculous manner in which he dealt with them.
In three instances in the Old Testament God said to Israel, "Ye are my witnesses." These three times are to be found in Isaiah 43 and 44. In these two chapters, Isaiah establishes five historic facts concerning who are the "Witnesses" of Jehovah.
The "Witnesses" of Jehovah. . .
Were delivered from the land of Egypt (43:3)
Offered animal sacrifices to the Lord (43:23)
Transgressed the Law Covenant (43:24,25)
Are forgiven for the Lord's sake (43:25)
Are being regathered from all over the world to the Holy Land (43:5,6)
These five stated identifications are true only of one people—the Jews! Therefore, it is clear that the Jewish people—the "ancient people," "my chosen"—are the real "Witnesses" of Jehovah (44:7; 43:20).
But in case anyone concludes that the Jews have long since forfeited this title, [at the Watchtower teaches] the last scriptural assertion concerning the "Witnesses" of Jehovah was a prophecy that is only now in the process of fulfillment. The Jewish people are being regathered from all over the world to the Land of Israel. Their regathering has been motivated not only by religious fervor—as some might have expected—but this does not matter. The Bible reveals that after the Jews are regathered in their Land, then the Lord will bring them through experiences that will gradually increase their faith and enkindle a true religious vitality that will reach their "inward parts" and fit them for their special role in God's Kingdom on earth (Isaiah 2:1-4).
The Jewish people are the "Witnesses" of Jehovah from two standpoints. First, God has revealed His power and glory by the miraculous manner in which He has dealt with them (Isaiah 43:9-12). God delivered them from Egypt, led them through the Red Sea, sustained them in the wilderness, led them through the River Jordan, gave them the land of Canaan—and made them a nation. During their chastening and dispersion, the phenomenal preservation of the people of Israel over the centuries as a distinct and homogeneous people among nations is itself a miracle of history. They have left blood-stained footprints of martyrdom in every nation they have trod. Neither persecution, nor famine, nor any other force was able to cause them to be assimilated. However, after 2,000 years—contrary to every pattern of history—they are re-established in their homeland, an independent nation. Surely the Lord's power and glory has been witnessed through this people!
The second way they are the "Witnesses" of Jehovah is how their history proves the validity of God's Word-the Bible. Every detail of their history has been prophesied and fulfilled…or is in the process of fulfillment. Their original establishment as a nation, their destruction as a nation and dispersion as a people, their regathering, the circumstances of their regathering, their future role—all were prophesied in the Bible. All this detailed fulfillment is an extraordinary witness to the immutability of God's Word. Therefore, these are the reasons why the Lord has said of the Jewish People—"YE ARE MY WITNESSES, SAITH JEHOVAH."
The "JWs" today—like other replacement—theology-believing Christians—do not see any special future for the Jews. However, "from the standpoint of God's choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" (Romans 11:28,29 NAS). Since God promised that the Seed of Abraham would inherit the Land and bless all the families of the earth out of Jerusalem (Genesis 22:18,19; Jeremiah 32:41; Isaiah 2:2,3)—what right have any Christians to annul this promise? These blessings were never forfeited. These promises are "forever" (Amos 9:14,15).
If we say God has cancelled his promises to the children of Israel, what confidence can we have in His promises to us as Christians?
Less Religion and more Jesus!
Thanks Neyank for your input.
You reflect my own thinking on the matter which of course was the motivation for my survey. To any honest person who critically evaluates things has to admit that there is no time since God adopted the nation that God has totally abandoned them. Even when he gave them up to the nations for their disobedience he went with them to protect them and to bring them back. Once in a minor fulfillment of this to Babylon and now again to the Romans returning a couple thousand years later in a purely miraculous manner. There indeed was a great tribulation for the Jews with suffering never before seen that God acted in miraculous ways to bring the nation through it (the Jewish holocaust). The miracle stories ala Ann Frank and Schindlers List are endless.
Jehovahs Witnesses so greatly have misrepresented God and his undeserved kindness and unconditional love. It is noteworthy to know that both Russel and Rutherford greatly believed well in advance of it happening in the fulfillment of the prophecies about Israel being returned to the Jews. They were greatly instrumental in encouraging the movement that lead to that reality.
The self-pride of JWs since then motivated them to deny Gods everlasting commitment to Israel so that they can elevate themselves to the position of not only Gods favorite people but Gods only people. They have attempted to paint themselves as the only ones who can properly serve God and keep his righteous requirements. They therefore (commenting on another current post) created a God in their image in order to justify their disloyalty to their own members. Were the Jews Gods people because the kept his laws. No , God constantly reminded them they never were faithful for long. But because of his promise to Abraham the Jews will forever be tied to his name irregardless of whether they deserve it or not. The WTS cannot tolerate any moral disease and will cut off its people in the name of God without any concern for their lives while out there. They want Jehovah to be like them intolerant of human weakness. They want salvation to be by works and not by faith.
The Bible says that all nations will bless themselves by means of the Jews. As so many prophets expect that Jerusalem is destined to become the capital of the world. Even though there is an all important spiritual fulfillment (New Jerusalem) does not at all mean that it will not be fulfilled also in a physical way.
Consider also how obviously Israel is being divinely supported in its current history in battles against greatly superior military forces and have been victorious. Of course if someone is unwilling to see the miraculous support of Jews by God they can justify to themselves this is all coincidence.