God and Israel survey

by Zechariah 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    I have spoken to plenty of JW's, and while many of them cannot [will not] see jehovah's hand in the affairs of Israel, his covenanted people, many of the open-minded ones will have to admit that no matter how many old testament prophecies the Society twist to fit their own purpose, they can never fulfill them.

    The book of Romans tells us that the Jews are God's people, they don't want to see it, because it will destroy their whole theological structure that they are God's chosen people, suplanting the Jews as a people and a nation.

    Less Religion and more Jesus!

  • trevor

    I agree with Simon,

    The little piece of Israel that is now occupeid is a political manoeuvre. The Jews have massive international clout and need to be appeasedfor commercial and political reasons. Just make an unfavourable comment about the jewish/Israelite nation a wait for the backlash. No who wishes to remain in politics dares to.

    Why is every action carried out by man, credited to God?

  • logical

    Hi Zechariah and RR

    Who really is "Israel" of our day? Is it the Christian congregation, or is it indeed physical Israel.

    Revelation 7 talks of "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues" (Verse 9). In verse 13-17, John is told who they are and where they worship. Verse 15 contains the key to identifying who they really are.

    Revelation 17:15 (KJV - im using this as I dont have access to a Kingdom Interlinear):
    Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

    Greek word for "temple" in Rev 17:15 = "naos"

    Lexicon for Strong's number 3485 says the following about this Greek word "naos":

    3485 naos {nah-os'}

    from a primary naio (to dwell); TDNT - 4:880,625; n m

    AV - temple 45, a shrine 1; 46

    1) used of the temple at Jerusalem, but only of the sacred edifice
    (or sanctuary) itself, consisting of the Holy place and the Holy
    of Holies (in classical Greek it is used of the sanctuary or cell
    of the temple, where the image of gold was placed which is
    distinguished from the whole enclosure)
    2) any heathen temple or shrine
    3) metaph. the spiritual temple consisting of the saints of all ages
    joined together by and in Christ

    Also, Vine's Expository Dictionary Of New Testament Words says:

    among the Jews, the sanctuary in the "Temple," into which only the priests could lawfully enter, e.g., Luk 1:9,21,22; Christ, as being of the tribe of Judah, and thus not being a priest while upon the earth

    So the Bible tells us that this "great crowd" who render service in the temple (Gr "naos") are made up of "nations (footnote NWT, "Gentiles") and tribes and peoples and tongues". Only Jews can serve in this part of the Temple, the Gentiles cannot.

    The Jews rejected the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and were replaced with a people bearing fruits, from the Gentiles, who became "Spiritual Israelites". (Acts 15:14-17)Only a "remnant" of the Jews responded. These Christians are "Spiritual Israelites", and in our day, they are the Jehovah's Witnesses. (Yes I know they are not living up to their name now, but this is another topic)

    (Please correct me if I am wrong, im a beginner at all this)

  • Zechariah

    My answer to your question is that there is and will always be both a physical and a spiritual nation of Israel. Basically this is the merging of both Israel with Christianity. This merging is responsible for the allegiance between the christian nations of America, Great Britain and Israel. The Jewish nation was to point to and lead to Christ through which all the worlds blessings will come. All christians are spiritual Jews (those whose hearts are right with God hrough faith. The 144,000 (a physical literal number would not be used for a spiritual group.It is merely a representative number symbolizing the complete number of such persons. Faith that God will ultimately fulfill as a physical nation all the promises for the Millennial reign of Christ gives us full confidence he will do the same for the spiritual nation (heavenly Jerusalem) as well. This New Jerusalem (in heaven) is where Christ co-rulers will reside holding the kings of the earth in relative subjection. God must be loyal to both to be trustworthy.

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