I did some research on what the marriageable age was for girls in ancient, biblical israel. It turns out it was around the age 12 or 13, although an old man could reserve them from a much younger age, by having them betrothed to him. Twelve or 13 was the age puberty started for them. In other words, jehovah's chosen people, his name people were mostly made up of pedophiles.
Here is a quote from bible gateway on the pedo patriarch called isaac:
Genesis 24:16-20
The Bible Gateway
This story belies the idea that women of Abraham's time were not allowed to speak to men or constantly went about with a veil over their faces. Rebekah didn't hesitate to speak to Abraham's servant, but she spoke to him with respect and was eager to help him with his camels despite the crowd of men who were probably with him.
As an aside, she was also much younger than Isaac. He was apparently approaching middle age at this time while she was still a girl, barely of marriageable age.
Genesis 24:16-20
The Bible Gateway
This story belies the idea that women of Abraham's time were not allowed to speak to men or constantly went about with a veil over their faces. Rebekah didn't hesitate to speak to Abraham's servant, but she spoke to him with respect and was eager to help him with his camels despite the crowd of men who were probably with him.
As an aside, she was also much younger than Isaac. He was apparently approaching middle age at this time while she was still a girl, barely of marriageable age.
The wt also admits this fact
*** it-1 727-8 Engagement ***
With respect to the age of engagement, no restrictions are pronounced in the Bible. In Middle Eastern lands today marriage often takes place after the bride reaches the age of 16 and occasionally when she is younger. Talmudists forbade marriage in the case of a male who was under 13 years and one day, and in the case of a female who was under 12 years and one day.There generally was not a prolonged interval of years between engagement and marriage, although there could be times when an interval was needed so that the groom might pay the stipulated price or render the desired service.
*** it-1 61 Ahaz ***
Whereas puberty in males is usually reached between the ages of 12 and 15 in temperate climates, it may come earlier in warmer climates. Marriage customs also vary. Zeitschrift fr Semitistik und verwandte Gebiete (edited by E. Littmann, Leipzig, 1927, Vol. 5, p. 132) reported that child marriage is frequent in the Promised Land even in modern times, one case being cited of two brothers aged 8 and 12 who were married, the wife of the older attending school with her husband.
Wt/bible apologists wil claim that times and people were different than than we are now. Certainly a truer statement was never made. Men back then had almost no concept of women having any say in anything, especially teens and preteens. While young girls back then grew up knowing what to expect, they still were far from emotionally mature, as puberty was just starting for them. Yet, those are the men on whose writings jw's and to quite an extent christians base their lives and their faith.
I would conclude that we, in the western world have higher standards of personal, practical morality than did the ot jews.
Edited by - saintsatan on 27 September 2002 19:33:40