Nation of Pedophiles

by Satanus 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Satanus

    The average life span of an ancient jewish woman was 30 yrs, according to my research. Supposedly, israel had the blessings of their god. So, it could be claimed that this lifespan was normal for them. But, i wonder if early child bearing of multiple kids wouldn't take a heavy toll on their health? Would it suck a lot of the calcium out of their bones, sapping their vitality, thus helping them to early graves. To sum up, was it a good idea to have multiple kids, starting at the early age of twelve?


    Yes, i read that somewhere too.


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    These are all good questions and ideas being brought up, and I am definitely going to do more research into this, and I'll let you know what I find out soon.

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