For the first time......My Story (long)

by Vitameatavegamin 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree


    I placed an extra lamb on the steps yesterday, in my own mind as a sort of "Unknown Lamb" who was afflicted by the WT's ill-advised child molestation policy. Your story is one of many, I'm afraid, that have not yet been told. If you would like to, think of that little lamb as representing you.

    I am sorry AND angry about your maltreatment at the hands of ignorant company men who think God is so puny that he needs them to uphold his reputation!


  • DakotaRed

    ((((((Vita)))))) Words cannot express how sorry I am this happened to your or the anger I feel towards your parents and the JWs right now. Although not prone to violence, had you been one of my daughters, that teacher would have been beaten to a bloody pulp.

    Your story emphasis's what utter morons elders can be and their desire to "protect" the name of the congregation before they consider the trauma a young girl faces is abhorrent. If there is a hell, I hope every single one of them that sat on your JC burns there forever. The conduct and actions of them and your parents is unforgiveable in my eyes.

    You have shown again that this organization does not have an inkling of love in it.

    Good for you for overcoming and having a good life now, in spite of all them.

    Lew W

  • ambush22
  • BugParadise

    {{{{{{{{{Vita}}}}}}}} What a heartbreaking childhood you had That took a lot of courage to share all that. I had a friend that went through an experience that like (minus the JW part) and it was hard on her so I can't even imagine how hard that was on you adding those other circumstances! You are a real survivor!

    Im glad to hear you are doing well now and congrats on the going to college! What is your major?

  • bikerchic


    Words escape me, I'm just happy that you are living such a happy life now.

    bc of the dazed class

  • think41self


    Thank you for sharing your story, I'm glad you finally felt comfortable enough with us to do that.

    Yes, I remember when you first came here, and could totally relate, we all went through that period of doubt when we left...doubt and fear...not exactly comfortable emotions.

    I am so sorry for what you went and all the people who have been re-victimized by the elders masquerading as a caring group of men. It makes me angry all over again to remember the kind of control they have in people's lives, and the damage they do with it.

    But you know what else it makes me feel? RELIEF!. I am no longer under that control, I am no longer as judgemental and self righteous as the average JW....the way your parents and elders were with you.....and I will never treat my children with such disregard for their feelings because of a bunch of old men in Brooklyn.

    So you actually have reason to celebrate can have a healthy relationship with your son and husband, you are free of the control of that are FREE. And by sharing your story you are helping others who are leaving to cope with it and heal faster. Good job!


  • patio34

    Thank you for sharing that, Vita. It touched my heart and I had tears too.

    It accomplishes a lot too for people to know the actual facts of what goes on behind closed doors. It's a good thing the government isn't run by such Taliban-like dictators.

    The phrase that ran through my mind during your story is from that book of myths, the Bible, when Jesus said "By their fruits you will know them..." The WT is an unbelievably cruel and heartless organization which is the U.S. version of Taliban, imo.


  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder


    Thanks for sharing your story. I too was in tears reading it. You have courage and I am glad you used it to produce a new life for yourself that will bring you happiness in the years to come.


  • DannyBear

    Dear Vita,

    Thank you so much for telling your story. I have emailed this entire thread to my youngest daughter, who's story is almost exactly like yours.

    I have only recently started correspondence with her, and Iam hoping, even praying that she reads it. I feel your story important enough to risk her cutting me off again. I hope that she receives it and reads it with a open mind, and the fears of displeasing God do not hinder her recovery from the hell she has been through.

    You did a good thing by telling it just exactly like it was!

    Even if Iam shunned again, it will have been worth it....just to let her know she is not alone.


  • Sentinel

    Oh Vita ((((((HUGS)))))

    Your story is very heartbreaking to read. It made me so angry at the adults in your life at the time. Every one of them taking advantage of you. Your teacher, your parents, your elders. You lived it. You have survived!

    Now you are free and you can get your life on track.

    We cannot choose our parents or the course of life they pursue, with us in tow. We can only try to keep our sanity through all of it until the time comes when we can make our own decisions. You seem to be a very strong person to have conquered so much at such a young age. I commend you.

    I totally believe every word of your experience. Everything done for the good of the congregation and the organization, and nothing for you. No love, no support, no help.

    Thank you for posting your experiences. It will help others on here. We have all had our experiences, and sometimes it takes time to heal. But, we are working on that, and we help each other by telling our stories and comforting one another in love.

    Glad you are here with us.


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