Growing up in this thing, I remember year after year after year, the comments about the 10% increase. I wonder if any of the loyal ones remember that and wonder "what happened?"
Increase in Publishers for Canada
by William Penwell 29 Replies latest jw friends
As Mark Twain would say, there are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics. Here is another interesting tidbit from the stats:
If there are around 108,000 publishers in Canada, you can expect approximately 1,400 to die. In addition, the society has said that approximately 1% (or 1,080) are df'd every year.
Now, if 2,480 leave the organization, and only 1,980 are baptized, how can there be any increase at all? The answer - change the way they are counted. The 15 minute rule will result in a lower threshhold for determining who is a publisher, and the change to having the BS conductor collect the reports will result in higher data collection.
So, really, there is no increase at all. Watch the baptisms. When this number goes below 2,500 in Canada, they are losing members, regardless of what the total says.
nancee park
Most who have stayed in it have done so only because they would otherwise lose family ties -- but with the recent revelations of top-down child molestation, the secret UN ties and the like, even some of those are seeing through the so-called "annointed" Governing Body. After all, if you learned that "the boss" of the organization was going to be sued by women for molesting them as children, that's just too reprehensible! Who could blame them for leaving. Ignore the disfellowshipping. That's the re-thinking on these developments.
Big Deal, so that means that there are 1000 more dubs if it is true. So perhaps a few per congregation, these are just kids who have grown up and are now trying to place magazines with no luck, which means there might be one more dub in your 100 km radius!
Woo Hoo Lets have a party!!!
Yeah but how many Apostates are there now?
Canadian Overbeer
1%???????????????????? LMAO very close to a big fat 0 is the way I see it. I am suprised they even metioned it! LMAO
The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation has been able to increase the number of their unpaid literature distributors list in the face of incredible disconfirmations, like the loss of the 1975 end time expectation, the dispensing with the long held "last generation" timeline, as well as the ending of the blood fraction ban, the loss of the organ transplant viewpoint, the loss of the alternative military service refusal practice, the resignation of the entire Governing Body, the diffusion of the legal Corporations, the passing of the religion to the new Company, and now the very public embarrassment due to the exposure of the internal child protection policies.
Any one of these events could have broken a religious company, but none did. The membership of the Jehovah's Witness literature distribution corporation are behind a virtual firewall. And for the most part, either they like it there, or they are too afraid of shunning, or of Armageddon, or of their parent, or of their child, or of their spouse to leave.
Even the vocal dissenters like the Liberal Elder are too enmeshed to stand up and step out. It is the perfect imperfect organization.
Happy October everybody.
gbThe Way I See it
Wow! A whole one percent increase!!! This after how many years of ZERO percent increase??? When you take in to account the number of those baptized each year in Canada, if you have a zero percent increase, then that would mean as many people left as came in.
Not a pretty picture from Brooklyn's point of view..........
Just one sentence (OK, one set of sentences, then), please remember the US is not the world. For those of us not having the good fortune to live in the US, the organizational changes, GB resigning, silentlambs, companies, blood reform, new names, who knows what - has no impact on the daily life as Witnesses at all. Itis business as usual. The elders are there, the congregations, the COs, the DOs, the branch, the branch committee - nothing has changed, except that on page 2 of the Watchtower it says Larson in stead of Henschel, but the typing is so small it is hard to see.
US make up some 1 / 6 of the world's Witnesses - not the vast majority. 1 % up or down in Canada or in the US - who cares? But if you begin getting 3-4-5 % down in Mexico, Brasil, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Cuba, Russia, Ukraina - then it's a noticeable thing.
nancee park
I believe Lee (Liberal Elder) is no longer a JW, so he did exit. In fact for a while he attended the UU church.