Wt always claimed that everyone imitates somebody. They said that they were imitating jehovah, jesus, isaiah, or some other bible character in some ways or another. They claimed the rest of mankind were imitating their own idols, heros, and ultimately, the devil. Most of those claims can be disproven.
Young kids seem to naturally imitate their parents, then, later on, others that they look up to. However, as they get older they start to differentiate their own personalities from those around them. As they enter adolescence, they often reject old role models and make a supreme effort to be a new individual. Although their peers have influence on them.
As adults, should we still be imitators, or should we cast aside all role models? Should we explore our own psyches more fully? Can we trust our inner selves? Must we deny certain parts of our own make up, striving at some ideal, which we are not, at the present time? Is it possible to be a nonimitator, totally unique?
For myself, i have rejected the christian doctrine of utter depravity, ie that we are sinful at the core. The doctrine robs one of any hope of being able to trust one's own self. If one can't trust oneself, who can one trust?
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