"......the one featuring David Hyde-Pierce as Sideshow Bob's brother, Cecil. The banter was so totally familiar to their Niles and Frasier characters, it was just hilarious....."
So true. Especially after they're hauled off to prison and their slap-fighting over to gets the top bunk:
Sideshow Bob: "I'm older!"
Cecil: "Poppycock! I called it at the arraingment!!..........................So! What time to they bring us the menus?"
Or another good one was when they legalized gambling and Marg gets addicted. Lisa goes into Homers bedroom in the middle of the night after having a bad dream and says "well, I know it's sounds silly, but I just had a bad dream about the boogey-man and--------"
Homer: AAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! BOOG-IE MAN!!!...............(runs down to Bart's room)......Bart! Wake up! I don't wanna upset you, but there may be a boogeyman or boogeymen in the house!!!!
Then Marge comes home to find the front door blasted out and the entire family huddled behind a mattress as Homer shakily aims his rifle.
Marge: "What on earth happened here?!"
Homer: "Oh nothing Marge! Just a little incident involving the BOOGIE-MAN!!"