I've been trying to maintain a middle ground amid all the threads where certain allegations of abuse have been questioned and I have a couple questions for everyone and a few observations.
First is asking for evidence of abuse tanamount to scorn and ridicule? Are outward manifestations of abuse enought to convince you? If the statute of limitations has not expired is not proof enough the fact that so many have stepped up and have/are trying to sue the WTBTS and respective congregations? If the abuse was so long ago, say 40-50 years ago how does one gague the veracity of said claims?
Now I'll answer my own questions and I invite you to think over them yourselves.
No, asking for evidence is niether scorn nor ridicule. I have seen, for instance, outward manifestations of abuse in our very own Jesika on more than one occassion. Yes I believe her. I will gladly give anyone the benefit of the doubt based on the fact they are willing to step up and fight w/the WTBTS in court. After all, the chips will fall where they may and eventually the truth will come out and all the details will be made know as a matter of public record. IMO, the way for us to really examine the veracity of claims of abuse that happened too long ago for legal action is for those silentlambs to relay to us the names and as much information as they possibly can, without going into the lurid details in any case. I believe Dakota for instance merely on his word, but a key element of doing so is having him step forward and post what he did at a very personal level or information. My last observation is for those of you who have information you "cannot reveal to us at this time"...well stop telling us that and overinflating your own importance in such matters. it does no good to imply you know something but can't reveal it...that is either bullshit or just your own expression of self importance. Edited to add that my last remarks were not geared toward victims of abuse, but those surrounding the whole issue at hand.
District Overbeer
Edited by - Valis on 1 October 2002 17:9:3