dearest waiting, I come from an extended family that has many survivors of physical and mental abuse for many years, so from my perspective I am usually more than willing to believe reports or claims of abuse, as I know how easily it can go undetected. Having said that, I will also tell you that I am no one's judge, jury or otherwise. I do care about the people here though and yes I was speaking for a larger group as I think most here would agree that it helps to be as forthright, honest, and open here as possible, so as to not only foster a better sense of community, but to also add credence to the many messages we have for the WTBTS and their apollogists. . Surely, everything that is posted here is worth a bit of scrutiny as to its reliability, as you stated we might indeed have rapists, pedophiles, murderer, stalkers, etc in our midst, even among those who claim abuse. Yeah that sentence might sound bad, but by your own admission it is a possibility. .. As well, I'm not asking for any justification from the abused, but only as I stated before that we think about how it is we form our opinions on the subject. Did you understand what I said about Dakota at all? Well, I tried to find the middle ground and all it does is come back to the same thing that's been going on all day in numerous other threads....I guess you have to be on one side or another of this debate and Dog help the poor sould who suggests something else to think about. hair says thanks for the I really need to wash it now..*LOL*
District Overbeer