The "rocks" are not "crying out&...

by gumby 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    Hey Yeru,

    Thanks for taking this on.....others usually don't. I like you too.

    But: Do we HAVE to sin, no, that is a choice.

    Do you get this idea from the Bible or is this your own view?

    If your idea is from the contradicts what the Bible say's about sin. " there is none without sin". The Bible clearly says this dosen't it?

    To say we have "no sin' makes one a liar....according to the Bible. In saying this the Bible shows it is impossible NOT to sin. Therefore....we have NO CHOICE.

  • gumby

    There's money in it for ya.


    Money? Are you shittin me? How do I get in on this deal?

  • plmkrzy
    but I think it is the only workable system.

    True, but that is a point. It is a system. It isnt something that just happened all by itself. Otherwise we would not have had the Salem witch-hunts. Our founding forefathers were around then were they not?

    I don't see how the existence of a god would alter that unless you believe that "might is right".

    It isnt about what I believe even if I did believe might is right that would not effect anything because Ive only been here for a very short time and human existence has been here long before either of us, and certainly long before America.

    There are other places with laws and customs other then in America. As we type there is a woman awaiting death by being buried up to her neck in sand and then stoned to death for having sex out of wedlock. The sentence it set to take place upon the weaning of her child. So my point is, right now Im sure she doesnt give a rats ass about what our forefathers founded. And both she and us are living in the same century. Where are her "self-evident" and "unalienable" rights in Nigeria, where her founding fathers probably think they have a workable system?

  • funkyderek
    True, but that is a point. It is a system. It isnt something that just happened all by itself. Otherwise we would not have had the Salem witch-hunts. Our founding forefathers were around then were they not?

    I agree, but I think it's a system that had to be discovered rather than invented. I believe that the use of reason leads inevitably to such a system.

    As we type there is a woman awaiting death by being buried up to her neck in sand and then stoned to death for having sex out of wedlock. The sentence it set to take place upon the weaning of her child.

    And that is wrong, regardless of what any human government or god may think. Her right to life is being violated, and she's very unfortunate to live in a country where that isn't recognised. The system is ultimately unworkable because it forces people to live a miserable, subhuman existence.

  • plmkrzy
    it's a system that had to be discovered rather than invented.

    Well I guess she is very fortunate that Nigeria has at least discovered the Mss World beauty padgent because right now it may just save her ass. Not because of protests from a country that discovered rights but from a country that has a bomb. If Mexico was the country protesting her rights being violated then it wouldn't even make the news.

    I gotta go shopping now.

    btw sorry for hijacking this thread and taking the rock's to Nigera

  • seven006


    Trust in thy lord and he shall openith upith a savings account for you. Don't you ever read your damn bible you fricken heathen?


  • gumby

    I trusted him a long time ago....and I'm still broke

  • seven006


    Bet you were praying for the end of the wicked old system of things and good health for your brothers and sisters weren't you?



  • messenger

    If a rock could cry could it also fart?

  • plmkrzy
    If a rock could cry could it also fart?

    lol, actually rocks do fart. But only when they're under preasure.

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